

ਗੁਰੂ ਅੰਗਦ ਦੇਵ ਵੈਟਨਰੀ ਅਤੇ ਐਨੀਮਲ ਸਾਇੰਸਜ਼ ਯੂਨੀਵਰਸਿਟੀ
Guru Angad Dev Veterinary And Animal Sciences University

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Scholarship/ Stipends/Fellowships & Other Awards

Sr. Name of Scholarship/ Stipends/Fellowships and Other Awards Fellowships Type
a. National Talent Scholarships (NTS): The ICAR/VCI awards merit scholarships in postgraduate programmes for full duration of the degree programme subject to fulfillment of prescribed conditions. The value of scholarship is Rs. 5000 per month for PG student. Rs. 5000/- per month
b. Post Matric Scholarship (PMS) Scheme: It is a centrally sponsored scheme with a 60:40 sharing ratio between the Centre and States (90:10 in case of North Eastern States).
Eligibility: Scholarships will be paid to the scheduled caste students whose parents’/guardians’ income from all sources does not exceed Rs. 2,50,000/- (Rupees two lakh fifty thousand only) during the last financial year. Income certificate is required to be taken once only i.e. at the time of admission to courses only which are continuing for more than one year. The income certificate shall be issued by the Authority as decided by the State Government.

The scholarship includes: Compulsory non-refundable fees including tuition fee, as fixed by the Fee Fixation/ Rationalization Committee of the State Government and Academic Allowance (10% extra allowance for Divyang (physically challenged) students.
Freeship Card All eligible students shall be entitled to take admission in the institutions without pre payment of tuition fee and hostel fees (but will pay refundable charges) as per the Scheme Guidelines available on the site https:// under Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment. To enable this, a FREESHIP CARD will be issued by the State Government to the eligible students. This Freeship card shall make the student eligible to study in the institution without pre-payment of the fees, and on the condition that as and when amount is released to the student’s account, the institution would be intimated to collect the same from the student.

Student should have a valid functional Mobile Number, Aadhar Number (UID), Aadhar linked Bank Account, Income Certificate, Caste Certificate and Passing Certificate for applying on the Dr Ambedkar Scholarship Portal, Govenment of Punjab at (select ‘New Registration’ from 14-04-2022 onwards).Well before the expected date of admission,the student shall register for issuance of a Freeship Card on the respective scholarship portal giving the details like the Aadhaar number, the name of the course in which he/she wants to take admission (e.g. M.Sc./ M.V.Sc./ B.V.Sc & AH./ B.Sc./ B.Tech./ Diploma, etc.) and an undertaking that the institution’s charges would be paid within 7 working days from the date of receipt of the scholarship amount in his/her account. For the purpose of registration of Freeship Card, the portals shall remain open throughout the year. For the purpose of admission, the Freeship card will remain valid for period of one year from the date of issue.

Note: Those without Freeship card will have to deposit the full fee.
c. Sports Scholarship: The university awards the sports scholarship @ Rs. 1000/- per month on fulfillment of prescribed conditions. The number of scholarships are four for major games (viz., Hockey, Football, Athletics and Cricket) and four for the minor games. Rs. 1000/- per month
d. DBT - Postgraduate Teaching Programme Scholarship: Each student admitted in M.Sc. (Molecular and Biotechnology) with specialization in Animal Biotechnology will be awarded Rs 5000/- per month as per the terms and conditions of DBT. Rs. 5000/- per month
e. Ph.D. Programme stipend: The students enrolled for Ph.D. programme and not in receipt of any fellowship etc. shall be awarded a stipend of Rs. 1500/- per month on fulfillment of prescribed conditions. Rs. 1500/- per month
f. Sh. Lilakrishan Jhangi Ram Galhotra Scholarship: Scholarship of Rs 2000/- per month will be awarded to the student of B.V.Sc. & A.H. programme of College of Veterinary Sciences, Ludhiana, who secures admission to M.V.Sc. programme at GADVASU, Ludhiana and has scored highest OGPA without failure. Rs. 2000/- per month


a. University Merit Fellowship: The University offers fellowships to postgraduate students. The value and number of fellowships for each department is determined by the Academic Council/Board of Management. Currently, the value of each fellowship is Rs. 4000/- per month in Master’s programmes and Rs. and 6000/- per month in Ph.D. programmes of the university. Merit fellowship will be awarded to eligible PG students having Punjab Domicile. If no Punjab Domicile student is admitted/eligible in a particular discipline during that particular academic session, then the student with qualifying degree from GADVASU will be considered for the award of merit fellowship as per approved criteria board of management in its 56th meeting. Rs. 4000/- per month in Master's programmes Rs. 6000/- per month in Ph.D. programmes
b. Shri Guru Amar Das Ji Fellowship:  This fellowship will be awarded @ Rs. 1000/- per month to one M.V.Sc. student on merit basis, from any discipline of Veterinary College, who has obtained the highest OCPA in B.V.Sc. & A.H. amongst the eligible applicants for this fellowship and whose family income does not exceed Rs. 6.0 lakhs per annum. The fellowship will start from the commencement of M.V.Sc. degree and will be awarded till two academic years in which the student has enrolled. Rs. 1000/- per month
c. Dr. Jugraj Singh Dhillon Fellowship - One fellowship @ Rs. 3000/- per month will be awarded on merit basis to an M.V.Sc. student majoring in the discipline of Animal Genetics and Breeding. Rs. 3000/- per month

Note for all Scholarships/Fellowships: -

1. Each student can avail only one fellowship/scholarship irrespective of his/her eligibility. The eligibility for the fellowship/scholarship will be determined considering the detailed guidelines for institution of the specific fellowship/ scholarship.

2. Each student can avail only one fellowship/scholarship irrespective of his/her eligibility. The eligibility for the fellowship/scholarship will be determined considering the detailed guidelines for institution of the specific fellowship/ scholarship. 


Merit Certificates

1. Merit Certificates are awarded to the students who achieve an OCPA/OGPA of 8.00 or more out of 10.00 at the end of their Masters Degree Programme.

Gold Medals and Medals

The Gold Medals/Medals are conferred at the time of Convocation/Annual Function as under:
1. Dr. S. C. Dutt Gold Medal:The Medal is awarded to a student who secure the highest OGPA (but not less than 8.00 out of 10.00) in the class in M.V.Sc. programmes of College of Veterinary Sciences in a given academic session.
2. Dr. G.S. Sidhu Medal: The Medal is awarded to the student for excellence in Master’s programme in the discipline of Animal Nutrition.
3. Dr. S.S. Dhillon Gold Medal: The Medal is awarded to a student for excellence in M.V.Sc. programme in the discipline of Veterinary Microbiology.
4. Dr. R.D. Sharma Gold Medal: The Medal is awarded to a student for excellence in M.V.Sc. in the discipline of Animal Reproduction Gynaecology & Obstetrics.
5. Bibi Amar Kaur Kang Gold Medal:The Medal is awarded to a student for excellence among all the Master’s degree Programme (M.Tech/M. Sc.) in the College of Dairy and Food Science Technology.

Simrat Sagar Singh Gold Medal: The Medal is awarded to a student for excellence in M.V.Sc. in the discipline of Veterinary Surgery & Radiology. 

Note: The eligibility for Gold Medals will be determined considering the detailed guidelines for specific Gold Medals.