

ਗੁਰੂ ਅੰਗਦ ਦੇਵ ਵੈਟਨਰੀ ਅਤੇ ਐਨੀਮਲ ਸਾਇੰਸਜ਼ ਯੂਨੀਵਰਸਿਟੀ
Guru Angad Dev Veterinary And Animal Sciences University

You are viewing:       Fee Concession Policy   

Student Corner



Fee Concession for All Undergraduate & Postgraduate Programmes

University may grant fee concession on merit-cum means basis to the needy students having financial difficulty in continuing with their studies. The different controlling officers can remit tuition fees in academic programmes as proposed below:

1. The Dean of the concerned college (Except College of Veterinary Science, Rampura Phull) can remit tuition fee of upto 10% of students in each UG class (Academic year wise). In these 10% students, 3% will be granted 100%, next 3% will be granted 50% and remaining 4% will be granted 33.3% concession in tuition fee. The students with lowest family income will be given priority in higher slab of fee concession. However, the girl students will be given priority in full tuition fee concession to promote education of a girl child from the economically weaker sections.

2. The Dean Postgraduate Studies can remit upto 33.3% tuition fee of upto 10% of students of all the Masters Programmes combined together having been admitted in a respective college during a given academic year on the recommendation of Head of the Department and Dean of the concerned college.

3. The Dean Postgraduate Studies can remit upto 33.3% tuition fee of upto 10% of students of all the Ph.D. Programmes combined together having been admitted in a respective college during a given academic year on the recommendation of Head of the Department and Dean of the concerned college. This will be mainly on the basis of merit and the means (if warranted).

The proposed general guidelines to be followed in all the above cases are given below:  

A. General Criteria:

i. The eligibility of the student will be on merit-cummeans basis to help such students having financial difficulty in continuing with their studies.

ii. The students interested in availing fee concession must submit their application/form along with requisite document(s)/certificate(s) such as an affidavit with respect to the family income (income certificate from Tehsildar as per Annexure with details of income from different sources) and academic profile in the office of concerned Dean/Principal within one month of their registration for timely processing of the application for fee concession/refund/adjustment.

B. Wards of Working and Retired C and D Employees of the GADVASU:

The fee concession may be granted up to two wards of the working and retired group C and D employees of GADVASU. A concession of 66.7% in tuition fee will be given to the first and 33.3% to the second child. However, the girl students will be given priority in full tution fee concession to promote the education of a girl child from the economically weaker section.

C. Admission Fee and Other Charges from SC students under Post Matric ScholarshipScheme:

Students admitted under SC category, whose parents/ guardian’s annual income is less than Rs.2.50 lakhs and is availing Post-Matric Scholarship as per guidelines of Government of India and Punjab Government, may be granted a full concession in admission/tuition fee and other non-refundable charges.

D. Fee Concession for Sports Persons and Co-curricular Activities

The students participating in sports and co-curricular activities in official events recognized by the AIU/ICAR/ National Federations/Associations shall be given the following concession:


Sportsmen/Women/Artists who participate in an officially sponsored International competitions or secure 1st, 2nd and 3rd position in Sr. National/ All India InterVaristy in Sports Tournaments/Youth Festivals can be granted upto half tuition fee concession upto 2% of the students in a given degree programme.


The Committee consisting of the following will consider eligible students for the above fee concession(s) and make its recommendations to the Director Students’ Welfare-cum-Estate Officer:


Dean of the College Chairman/Chairperson,
Director Human Resource Management Cell Member Secretary,
Sports Committee of the College Member


The Dean will submit these recommendations to the Director Students’ Welfare-cum-Estate Officer for his/ her consideration/approval. After approval, the Director Students’ Welfare-cum-Estate Officer will send the case to Vice Chancellor for the final sanction of fee concession. After sanction from Vice Chancellor, the Dean of the College concerned will issue the necessary orders regarding fee concession to the students.

Please Note:

i. The students who have won the above positions during an academic session will be eligible for half fee concession during the following academic session.


ii. Eligible students will apply during the second semester of the each academic session and the concession will be granted for the following academic session.

General Conditions Applicable to All Category of Students Availing Fee Concession

Note: General conditions applicable to all category of students availing fee concession

(i) Fee concession is not a matter of right of the student. University can increase or decrease percent of students to be granted fee concession, extent of fee concession, amount of fee concession, limit of income of their parents/guardian to be eligible for fee concession or any other condition.


(ii) Annual income of the parents/guardian of the student from all sources should be below the basic taxable limit, without allowing any exemption/deduction, for the corresponding Financial Year as fixed by the Income Tax Department.


(iii) The Dean will submit his/her recommendations to the Vice Chancellor for approval of the case including extent of concession. After sanction from Vice Chancellor, the Dean of the College concerned will issue necessary orders regarding fee concession to the students applicable under different categories.


(iv) The minimum percentage of marks in qualifying examination should be 60% and subsequently in second year of study at University it should be a minimum OCPA/OGPA of 6.000 out of 10.000 in case of Diploma and Undergraduate Programmes and OCPA of 7.000 out of 10.000 in case of Masters and PhD Programmes (This condition will not be applicable for SC students availing Post Matric Scholarship).


(v) The tuition fee concession may be granted subject to the condition that the student is regular in attendance and that he/she has satisfactory progress in his/her studies, which should be certified by Advisor/Major Advisor of student.


(vi) The concession may be withdrawn on misconduct/ indiscipline on the part of the student, irregularity in attendance or failure or unsatisfactory grade in any of the courses in any examination.


(vii) The students placed on Conduct Probation or failed to achieve “Good Standing” will not be considered for any fee concession for that period. Also, the students who are re-admitted after having been dropped under Semester and/or Annual Rules as applicable in degree programme, as envisaged in the Semester and Hostel Rule, will not be eligible for fee concession during the first year of their re-admission.


(viii) The students admitted under self-financed (including all BVSc & AH admissions to College of Veterinary Science Rampura Phul) and all NRI categories are not entitled to fee concession.


(ix) Employed parents/guardians are required to obtain income certificate from their employer and for any additional income from other sources, they would furnish declaration by way of an affidavit on nonjudicial stamp paper.


(x) The students who are awarded any other scholarships/ fellowships are also eligible for this benefit of fee concession with the condition that the annual income of the parents/guardian of the student from all sources should be below the basic taxable limit, without allowing any exemption/deduction, for the corresponding Financial Year as fixed by the Income Tax Department and provided that the already awarded scholarship does not cover more than 50% of tuition fee.


(xi) Applications will be invited within one month of admission to a particular course/year in prescribed format.


(xii)Committees for deciding the number of students to be given fee concession in a given programme and amount of fee concession to be given will be decided by the following committees as per study programme::


a. Dean Postgraduate Studies/Dean of College/ Director Students’ Welfare-cum-Estate officer.


b. Senior most Head of the Department to of the college concerned.


c. Seniormost Professor from the college concerned.


d. Welfare Officer (Convener)