

ਗੁਰੂ ਅੰਗਦ ਦੇਵ ਵੈਟਨਰੀ ਅਤੇ ਐਨੀਮਲ ਸਾਇੰਸਜ਼ ਯੂਨੀਵਰਸਿਟੀ
Guru Angad Dev Veterinary And Animal Sciences University

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Frequantly Asked Question, FAQ's

Where is University located?

The University is located in Ludhiana. The Administrative Block and College of Dairy Science and Technology are located on Ferozepur road besides the Milk Plant. All other colleges, teaching veterinary hospitals, farms and library are located in PAU Campus.

When was the University established?

The university was established at Ludhiana on August 9, 2005 as per Punjab act no 16 of 2005 and started functioning on April 21, 2006.

What are the goals and objectives of the university?
  • To provide adequate supply of trained veterinary professionals capable of handling livestock health and production aspects including Master’s and Doctorate level specialists according to the needs of the State Government and allied agencies.
  • To undertake research work in selected areas and wherever applicable following multidisciplinary approach.
  • To provide opportunities for continuing education for professionals in Veterinary Science.
  • To provide consultancy and specialist services to livestock owners, government, semi-government and allied agencies.
  • To run “Referral” hospitals for specialized diagnosis and treatment and also to provide clinical training to the studens.
  • To provide technical expert advise to different government and other agencies whenever called upon.
  • To foster faculty development by providing opportunities to participate in appropriate training programmes, conferences, workshops, seminars, symposia etc. and avail other opportunities in exchange programmes.
  • To encourage cooperation and collaboration with other departments, colleges, universities and industries, both nationally and internationally
What academic programmes does University offer?

College of Veterinary Science : B.V.Sc & A.H., M.V.Sc. and Ph.D.; College of Fisheries : B.F.Sc., M.F.Sc. and Ph.D;. College of Dairy Science and Technology : B.Tech( Dairy Technology); Postgraduate Institute of Veterinary Education and Research : M.Sc/M.V.Sc(Animal Biotechology), and Education Ph.D. (Animal Biotechnology)

Does the University offer a degree in Animal Biotechnology?

The University offers M.Sc/M.V.Sc degree as well as Ph.D. in Animal biotechnology. Aspiring candidates with either B.V.Sc. & A.H. degree or B.Sc degree in any branch of the science can apply.

When does the academic year start for various undergraduate programmes?

The admission process for undergraduate programmes usually starts from the month of May and classes start from July every year.

When does the academic year start for various Masters’ programmes?

The admission process for Masters programmes start in June and classes starts from August every year.

When does the academic year start for various Doctoral (Ph.D.) programmes?

The admission process for Doctoral programmes starts in November and classes starts from January every year.

How the students are admitted into various academic programmes?

The university conducts combined entrance test for admission to various academic programmes as per the dates announced in the newspapers and prospectus. The candidates called for counselling as per the schedule mentioned in the prospectus are admitted on the basis of the merit of entrance examination

Whom one should contact for getting information regarding admissions and appointments?

Visit Website : or Registrar : or at +91-161-2553342-43, 2553394

How do I find contact information about the faculty?

This information can be obtained from directory located at the home page by visiting the concerned department.

Where is University Veterinary Hospital located?

It is located on the Ferozepur Road, adjoining Sidhwan canal and opposite to Gurudwara Nanaksar. You can contact Registration Counter for details, Ph: 0161-2414060.

What kinds of services are provided in the University Veterinary Hospital?

University Veterinary Hospital provides facilities for treatment of pet and large animals including laboratory diagnosis. Facilities for blood examination, fecal examination, skin scrapings, X-Ray, computerized X-Ray and ultrasound etc also exist. All kinds of elective and emergency surgeries, artificial insemination for bovines; gynaecological examination, treatment for reproductive failures and delivery problems are also taken up. Nominal charges are levied for services in hospital.

What type of surgeries are being performed at the University Veterinary Hospital?

Many types of surgical procedures required for thoracic, abdominal, skeleton and mammary disorders are being performed.

What are the normal hospital timings?

The small OPD works from 9.00 AM to 12.30 PM and for large animals from 9.30 AM till 5.00 PM. On gazetted holidays and Saturdays & Sundays, the hospital works from 9.30 AM to 12.30 PM.