

ਗੁਰੂ ਅੰਗਦ ਦੇਵ ਵੈਟਨਰੀ ਅਤੇ ਐਨੀਮਲ ਸਾਇੰਸਜ਼ ਯੂਨੀਵਰਸਿਟੀ
Guru Angad Dev Veterinary And Animal Sciences University

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Fee Structure for Diploma

Eligibility Criteria for Diploma Distribution of Seats Click here to view the Prospectus 2024-25


The detail of fee is as follows:

College of Veterinary Science, Rampura Phul and Veterinary Polytechnic, Kaljharani

Sr. No Head Fee(Rs.)
Fees Charges One Time at Fresh Admission)
1. Medical Examination Fee 430
2. University Admission/Re-Admission Fee 8000
3. College Security (Refundable) 2500
4. Literature Fee (Vigyanak Pashu Palan) 1000
Fees Charges (Annual)  
5. College Admission Fee 770
6. Accidental/Health Insurance 1000
7. Student Aid & Red Cross Fund 1100
Fees Charges (Semester wise)  
8a. Tuition Fee 35000
8b. Tuition Fee Self-Financed/Out of State 55000
9. Library Fee 1320
10. Amalgamated Fund 1760
11. Examination Fee 1650
12. College Development and Student Fund 9000
Hostel Charges (Semester wise)  
13. Hostel Security (Refundable; one time) 5500
14. Hostel Fee 9000
15. Electricity Fund 2750
16. Additional Electricity Charges Extra as applicable
Miscellaneous Charges
a. Supplementary Examination Fee per paper 1200
b. Re-Totaling (per paper) 900
Total Fees to be Paid at First Admission
General/ Regular seat Rs. 63530/- (Non-Boarder)
Rs. 80780/- (Boarder)
Self-Financed/ Outside State Candidate Rs. 83530/- (Non-Boarder)
Rs. 100780/- (Boarder)

Mode of Payment:

The candidates selected for admission shall require depositing fees for the 1st semester immediately after counselling, failing which the seat will be offered to the next candidate on merit list. The selection letter will be issued to a candidate only when he/she has deposited the required fee.

The candidates getting admission in non-boarder category, irrespective of the college, can deposit an initial demand draft of Rs. 60,000/- for general/ regular seat, and demand draft of Rs. 80,000/- for self-finance/ other state category in favour of Comptroller, GADVASU payable at any scheduled bank in Ludhiana. The remaining fees of the first semester may be paid either in cash or by credit/ debit card at the time of counselling itself, or by visiting the respective college within two working days, failing which allotted seat of candidate will be cancelled and the entire amount paid by candidate will be forfeited.

Note: In case of unavoidable circumstances, payment can be accepted through cash/ credit/ debit card



Baba Hira Das Ji College of Veterinary Pharmacy, Badal, District Sri Muktsar Sahib

Sr. No Fee Head Boarder Non-Boarder
1. University Quota Fee 83300* 66800*
2. Management Quota Fee 110700* 94200*

*Inclusive of University Examination Fee and University Admission fee of Rs. 1900/- and Rs. 8000/-, respectively.

The candidates getting admission in BHDJCVP, Badal can deposit fees in cash or through credit/debit card or online transfer mode.



Miscellaneous Fee

(i) Fees for various Certificates/Documents

  Type of Certificates/Document Charges (Rs.)
  (a) Diploma Certificate 2400/-
  (b) Inter-University Migration Certificate 600/-
  (c) Duplicate Inter-University Migration Certificate 2400/-
  (d) Duplicate Diploma Certificate 6000/-
  (e) Duplicate Semester Report 2400/-
  (f) Duplicate copy of Merit Certificate 2400/-
  (g) Duplicate copies of various types of Certificates at College level 1200/-
  (h) Duplicate copy of Sports Certificate 1800/-
  (i) Duplicate/Incomplete Transcript of Academic Record 2400/-
  (j) Authentication of various documents 1200 per copy
  (k) Authentication/supplying information to the other institution 1800 per copy
  (l) Change of name in university record as per university guidelines 6000 /-
  (m) Reissue of diploma/PDC/transcript on account of change of name 6000 (Diploma/PDC)/ 2400 (Transcript)
  (n) Verification of certificates/documents issued by GADVASU 2400 per copy
  (o) Issue of Duplicate Identity Card/Library Card 600/-
  (p) Postal Charges for post within India 200/-
  (q) Postal Charges for post to foreign countries 3000/- or actual if more
(Speed Post air-mail)
  (r) Sending scanned documents) through Email 1200 (per case)

Note: Above rates are inclusive of GST as applicable.

(ii) Club Membership Fees*

(a) Music Club Fee 500/-
(b) Fine Arts and Photography Clube Fee 500/-

*To be charged only from those students who join the club.

Refund Policy

Depositing of fee during shifting/sliding on account of seat secured at subsequent counselling (s) and refund of fee for new entrants shall be as per the following procedure:

If a student chooses to withdraw from the programme of study, the concerned institution shall follow the following five-tier system for the refund of fees* remitted by the student:-

Sr. No. %age of Refund of fees*  

Point of time when notice of withdrawal of admission is received in the HEI

1. 100%   15 days or more before the formally-notified last date of admission.
2. 90%   Less than 15 days before the formally-notified last date of admission.
3. 80%  

15 days or less after the formally-notified last date of admission.

4. 50%  

30 days or less, but more than 15 days, after formally-notified last date of admission

5. 0%  

More than 30 day after formally-notified last date of admission.


Refund Policy for students failing in supplementary examination

Refund of fee in respect of students who got failed in supplementary examination and don't want to continue their study programme shall be as under:

Fee Concession

Note: The fee concession for the wards of Working and Retired C and D Employees of the GADVASU, and the Sportspersons/ Co-curricular activities may be considered for the students enrolled at Veterinary Polytechnic, Kaljharani as per the detailed guidelines regarding criteria and procedure for availing the fee concession available in the Chapter-VII (Page No: 56-57) of university prospectus 2024-25.

Eligibility Criteria for Diploma Distribution of Seats Click here to view the Prospectus 2024-25