Every Member of Parliament of State should come forward with Member Parliament Local Area Development (MPLAD) fund to support institutes like Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana. These views were expressed by Dr. M.S. Gill, former Chief Election Commissioner of India and Ex-Minister of Union Cabinet, Presently who is Member Parliament of Upper House. On a special visit at Vet Varsity Dr. Gill announced a grant of Rs. 25 lakhs from his MPLAD for upcoming Girls Hostel of University. The Girls Hostel of GADVASU will accommodate more than 200 Girls Students. Presently the Girls are staying in the different private accommodations in the city as well as few girls have been adjusted in the newly constructed Kisan Hostel. Dr. Amarjit Singh Nanda, Vice-Chancellor along with Deans, Directors and Officers of the university applauded his move for this generous contribution to complete the Hostel. Dr. Baldev Singh Dhillon, Vice-Chancellor PAU also witnessed and graced the occasion.
After visiting upcoming building of Girls Hostel a brief presentation was shared with Dr. Gill. Dr. Nanda explained him different activities, Projects, Courses and Extension Programmes of university. Dr. Nanda told him that we are treating more than 22 thousand animals every year at Varsity Clinical Complex and the majority of the sickanimals are being referred to this hospital. He revealed that University is working on good quality semen and better quality bulls for breed improvement and supplying the semen to the farmers of the state.
While discussing different points Dr. Gill suggested that university should start small courses of animal husbandry for self-employment of youth. He said that fisheries is a good avenue to generate better income. He shared that we should try multifarious livestock activities because we can’t survive only on agricultural cereal production and we have to support and supplement the agricultural income with livestock interventions so especially for the small and marginal farmers. He categorically emphasized that the State Government should provide a one-time grant of minimum 50 crores to GADVASU which will support their projects and in terms help the farmers through better extension as well as research in the livestock and fisheries. This on one hand will help the state farmers and on the other hand GADVASU will be more sound and on firm footing on the academic field. He stressed to upon more experts to facilitate livestock farmers of the State.