After attaining the age of superannuation Dr. Ranjodhan Singh Sahota retires as Director of Extension Education of Guru Angad Dev Veterinary & Animal Sciences University. A person purely from rural background had great experience of farmer’s needs and woes. While sharing his life background he said that his school education was from of rural government schools. He did his B.Sc Agriculture from PAU, M.Sc with Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) fellowship and Ph.d and Post Doctorate research with fellowship from Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR).
He joined government job as Assistant Extension specialist of PAU at Gurdaspur in 1983. Five years of field Job provided him good stuff of farmer’s requirements. He become HOD of Veterinary Animal Husbandry Extension Education department at PAU in 2004 but completed his term in 2008 in GADVASU which formed in 2006. He has been contributed 25 research papers, 500 extension articles and more than 70 Radio & TV interviews.
While recollecting his memories Dr. Sahota said that he may be out of studies at his school level if his school teacher S. Balbir Singh did not help him to pay his admission fee of Rs. 66. He remembered Dr. Lachhman Singh Hundal retired HOD as his mentor and Dr. Gurdial Singh Gill his PhD Guide who inculcated the spirit in him that true worship of agriculture scientist is to work for benefit of farmers. While sharing in lighter manner he said that he joined B.Sc to become an agriculture inspector but destiny showered the post of director to him. Guru Angad Dev Veterinary & Animal Sciences University teachers association (GADVASUTA), Directorate of Extension Education and Department of Veterinary Animal Husbandry Extension Education extended gratitude for his tremendous services in the field of extension of education. Deans, Directors, Officers of the University and a large number of faculty members joined in the get together of his retirement.