A One day Workshop on Farm Trials and Frontline Demonstrations for Subject Matter Specialists of Animal Science was organized on 11th April, 2014. Directorate of Extension Education, Guru Angad Dev Veterinary & Animal Sciences University Ludhiana under the aegis of Zonal Project Directorate Zone-I, ICAR, PAU Campus, structured the event. The Workshop was inaugurated by Dr V.K.Taneja, Vice-Chancellor, GADVASU, Ludhiana. While inaugurating the Workshop, Dr Taneja stated that animal science is an important component in the Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs) especially keeping in view the diversification of agriculture in state of Punjab. Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University has developed technologies in livestock, poultry, fisheries and value addition of livestock products. These technologies need to be disseminated to the farmers for its effective utilization, thus increasing the productivity of animals and subsequently augmenting the income of the farmers. Dr Taneja also emphasized that the KVKs of PAU and GAVASU should work in unison for the betterment of the farming community. Dr S.Prabhu Kumar, Zonal Project Director, Zone-1, PAU Campus, Ludhiana stated that it is first time that such workshops are separately being conducted for each discipline of KVK and he explained that the role of the animal scientists in KVKs is increasing day by day in the present set-up. Dr SNS Randhawa, Director of Research, GADVASU, Ludhiana gave a presentation highlighting the different technologies developed by GADVASU, Ludhiana for its use at field level for the benefit of the livestock farmers. Heads of Departments and senior faculty members participated in the workshop and provided their useful suggestions for finalizing the OFTs and FLDs. On farm trials and frontline demonstrations in the field of animal sciences and fisheries to be undertaken at KVKs of PAU and GADVASU during the year 2014-15 were discussed and finalized. Fourteen Animal Scientists from different KVKs of Punjab participated and made their presentations regarding OFTs and FLDs. Dr R.S.Sahota, Director of Extension Education, GADVASU presented the vote of thanks and advised the scientists to develop an attitude for extension so that livestock farmers can get benefitted through timely dissemination of information and technologies.