The World Bank sanctioned a major project to Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi for conduct of research and dissemination of recommended technologies to alleviate poverty of the rural masses. At the same time, Planning Commission of India identified 150 disadvantaged districts in different states of India. In Punjab, only Hoshiarpur District was included in the list of disadvantaged districts. A sub-project entitled “Sustainable livestock based farming system for livelihood security in Hoshiarpur district of Punjab” was awarded to Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana for 4 years (May, 2008-March, 2012). In this connection, GADVASU, Ludhiana, being the Lead Institute, organized CAC (Consortium Advisory Committee) meeting of this project. Dr A L Saini, who is the Principal Investigator of the project welcomed all the members of the House and expressed grief over the demise of Dr R C Katoch, Chairman of CAC. He, then, explained all the activities being undertaken in the four Blocks namely Bhunga, Dasuya, Hajipur and Talwara of Hoshiarpur District and the progress made so far. He informed the house that Project Implementation Unit of NAIP has increased the total number of beneficiary families from 800 to 2500. Dr K S Sandhu, Director Extension Education-cum-Controlling Officer of the project said that GADVASU, Ludhiana has already established Regional Research and Training Centres at Kal Jharani (Bathinda) and Booh (Taran Taran), and one at Talwara would be shortly established.
As per guidelines issued by NAIP, all CAC Members and Partners of this project (Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana; Dairy Development Department, Punjab and The Unati Co-op. Marketing-cum Processing Society Ltd., Talwara) expressed their willingness to extend the tenure of this project up to December, 2014. In the end, vote of thanks was proposed to all the participants.