September 23Expiring at: May 10
Dr. Jasbir Singh Bedi, Assistant Professor in the Department of Veterinary Public Health of Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and AnimalSciencesUniversity, Ludhiana has been awarded the prestigious Commonwealth Scholarship-2010 offered by the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in the United Kingdom. He will enroll as Doctorate scholar from 4th October 2010 for a period of one year at the School of Life Sciences, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK. His research project is proposed on the Endocrine disruptor chemicals in the milk and milk products: Analysis and Risk Assessment. Dr. JPS Gill, Head of the department of Veterinary Public Health and Major Advisor of Dr. Bedi have stated that the exposure on latest research on endocrine disruptor chemicals will immensely help him in the field of chemical residues detection and validation of analytical methods. He will also work on techniques to delineate these compounds from the environment and focus on remediation measures. Dr. Bedi is working in the area of pesticide residue analysis for the last seven years and he is associated with various research projects on environmental contaminants in food of animal origin. His professional competence and experience will further strengthen the research activities of the department on environment pollutants.