

ਗੁਰੂ ਅੰਗਦ ਦੇਵ ਵੈਟਨਰੀ ਅਤੇ ਐਨੀਮਲ ਸਾਇੰਸਜ਼ ਯੂਨੀਵਰਸਿਟੀ
Guru Angad Dev Veterinary And Animal Sciences University

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GADVASU Pashu Palan Mela an event for everybody,s interest

March 17 Expiring at: May 10

The Pashu Palan Mela of Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal University, Ludhiana will be a must watch show for peoples of all the walks of life. Dr V.K.Taneja, Vice-Chancellor, GADVASU, Ludhiana expressed these views on Pashu Palan Mela which is  going to be held on 19th  and 20th March, 2009. He said that it   will be a centre of attraction for children, youth, senior citizens as well  as women because different items will be on  display for different age groups, sections and nature. Dr Taneja revealed that whereas cattle, buffalo, goat, rabbit, different species of fish, etc. will be the main attraction for children, country-side scene of University  will be special attraction for urban children. He further stated that   Pashu Palan Mela will be more useful to vocational courses students  studying  animal husbandry and rural culture  as they will get more valuables information about the latest interventions in the field of animal husbandry, dairying, fisheries, etc.

      The experts of the University will provide on the spot knowhow regarding upkeep, vaccination and other timely  cares of  the small pets like dogs, cats, etc. The pet owners will also get information about the latest products which are now available in the market. Beside this, the University has done commendable work on ornamental fishes. The peoples interested in keeping ornamental fishes in their houses/work place  can also get latest  information about the feeding and management  practices. He added that the different species of coloured fishes keep the minds fresh and  help in  relieving the mental stress. Moreover, fish is a pet of calm nature who does not prduce any kind of filth and noise pollution.

      The house-wives who have either independently taken up the livestock profession or helping in it can also interact with the experts of the University to get the latest information about  the livestock products and their usages. It is also  a good privilege to taste and know about the different  mouth watering  vegetarian and non-vegetarian delicacies like sweetened and salted lassi, sweet milk, meat patties, different types of meat pickles and  good quality buffalo cheese  prepared by the Department of Livestock Products Technology.

      Now a days, a large quantity of  synthetic milk  is in the market. The facility willl be at display in the mela to check  the quality and  adultration of milk. Awareness about good quality milk  will be useful for the health of the human-beings.

      The exhibition depicting latest interventions in the field of animal husbandry will also  be very helpful for the unemployed youth of the state  who are especially interested in setting up their own business in livestock sector with minimum finances.The financial institutes like banks, insurance agencies etc. and experts of the University will provide them the up to date knowledge. The food processing machinery will also be on display in the Mela to educate the masses about the latest interventions involved in the preparation of hygienic, fast  and  good quality food products.It will be beneficial for a common man as well as an entrepreneur.

          University publications  containing informations relating  to livestock diseases, their remedial measures and informative literature regarding training courses   to set up new units in livestock will also be available

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