

ਗੁਰੂ ਅੰਗਦ ਦੇਵ ਵੈਟਨਰੀ ਅਤੇ ਐਨੀਮਲ ਸਾਇੰਸਜ਼ ਯੂਨੀਵਰਸਿਟੀ
Guru Angad Dev Veterinary And Animal Sciences University

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Vacancy Notice for the post of Senior Research Fellow, College of Dairy Science & Technology, GADVASU, Ludhiana (14 December 2017)

December 14 Expiring at: May 10

College of Dairy Science & Technology
Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University
(Vacancy Notice)

Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for the post of Senior Research Fellow  at a fixed salary of Rs. 25000/- +20% HRA (per month) in the research scheme “Isolation and Characterization of Dairy Flora of Punjab Region as Probiotic with Bio-therapeutic Potential and Development of Preservation Technology for Ready to Use Cultures” sanctioned by the MOFPI through Science & Engineering Research Board, New Delhi. The post is purely temporary and is till 31st March, 2018. The required qualifications are here under:


  • M.Sc/ M. Tech in Microbiology, Dairy Microbiology or Biotechnology/ Vet. Biotechnology from a recognized University – with an overall credit point average of 6.5/10 or 65% marks and above
  • B.Sc/ degree in any relevant branch of Life Sciences with at least second division from a recognized University
  • Knowledge of Punjabi up to matric level. The condition of knowledge in Punjabi is however relaxable, if the candidate is found otherwise deserving.

Emoluments: Rs. 25,000.00 + 20% HRA (per month) for post graduate degree in basic sciences with NET qualification or post graduate degree in professional course. Rs 16,000.00 + 20% HRA (per month) for post graduate degree in basic sciences without NET.

Desirable: Preference will be given to candidates having research experience in the field of Cell culture; Isolation, preservation and maintenance of microbial cultures and basic techniques of Molecular biology

Age limit: 35 Years (as on date of application), which is relaxed upto 5 years for SC/ST/PH/OBC/Women candidates.

The candidates are requested to submit/send their bio-data along with one set of photocopies of all related documents, mark sheets and publications with a recent passport size photograph on or before 26/12/2017 upto 5.00 P.M. The interview will be held on 27/12/2017 at 10.30 AM in the O/o the undersigned. No TA/DA is permissible for appearing in the interview and no separate letter for the interview will be issued.

Endst. No.CODST/17/1942-1970
Dated, Ludhiana: 14/12/2017



College of Dairy Science & Technology

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