Dr. Nanda said that GADVASU came in top 100 institutions of the country and stood 50 among top varsities of the country due to the efforts of the faculty.
“We have a large pool of teachers that have completed their education from best institutions of not only country but even from outside India. These teachers disseminate information to the students who in turn bring laurels for the varsity,” said Dr.Nanda. Two universities from Ludhiana (GADVASU) and Punjab Agricultural University (PAU) were been ranked among the 100 top varsities of the country. While PAU is ranked 24, GADVASU is ranked 50. Union Minister of human resource development (MHRD) declare the ranking of varsities under its national institutional ranking frame work that was introduced last year. The two universities also baged a place in the overall category, in which PAU ranks 40 and GADVASU stands at 81.