

ਗੁਰੂ ਅੰਗਦ ਦੇਵ ਵੈਟਨਰੀ ਅਤੇ ਐਨੀਮਲ ਸਾਇੰਸਜ਼ ਯੂਨੀਵਰਸਿਟੀ
Guru Angad Dev Veterinary And Animal Sciences University

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May 5 Expiring at: May 10

WORLD VETERINARY DAY 2017 was celebrated by Veterinarians from Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana, Animal Husbandry Department, Private Practitioners and retired Veterinarians in Blue Cross Bhawan hosted by Vets Club Ludhiana.  

Dr. SNS Randhawa. President Vets Club Ludhiana & Research Advisor,Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana informed  that a free anti rabies vaccination, Deworming & Deticking camp was inaugurated by Dr. Sushil Prabhakar, Registrar Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana. Dr SS Ghuman, was the Guest of Honour .In camp 58 dogs were inoculated with free Anti Rabies Vaccination and Deworming as well as consultation given to Pet owners. 

In the evening celebrations, Technical programme on the theme for the year “Antimicrobial resistance to drugs – From Awareness to Action” as always decided by World Veterinary Association, was organized. The Chief Guest in the evening was Dr. Manish Kumar, IFS, Director Wildlife Field Zoos Chandigarh. Dr. HK Verma, Director Extension Education, GADVASU also graced the occasion.  Dr Sandeep Puri, Principal, DMC Ludhiana was the lead speaker and Dr. Deepinder Chhina, Prof & Head Microbiology DMC  was Expert Speaker from medical sciences. Dr AK Arora, Dr. VK Dumka and Dr. LD Singla were Expert speakers from Veterinary sciences.  

Dr. Puri emphasized that Major causes of Antibiotics Resistance are Overuse of Antibiotics, Inappropriate Prescription, Extensive use in Farm Animals, Lack Of New Class of Antibiotics, Environmental Pollution and Poor Surveillance.  

Prof. SNS Randhawa summed up the presentations made by all the experts and thanked them for excellent presentations and also hoped that the deliberations of technical session will help medical, veterinary and wild-life experts to work in a collaborative way to fight the menace of Antimicrobial drugs resistance for the benefit of the society.

Leading scientists, veterinarians and livestock farmers were also felicitated on this occasion. Dr Simrat Sagar Singh, Dean Postgraduate Studies, GADVASU was honored for Lifetime contribution to veterinary profession, Dr. Deepti Narang  as most promising lady veterinary scientist,  Dr. Balbir Bagicha Dhaliwal as most promising young veterinary Public health scientist, Dr. Niraj Kumar Singh as most promising young Veterinary  Biotechnologist , Dr. Harsh Panwar as most promising young Dairy Microbiologist and Dr. Vaneetinder Kaur as most promiosing lady Fisheries Scientist, Dr. Kewal Arora, one of the most popular Veterinary officer of Animal Husbandry department was also honored. Among livestock farmers, S. Sukhdev Singh(Bathinda) in Goat farming, S. Udham Singh village Aulakh Faridkot in Dairy Cattle farming, S Ravinder Singh Meerpur TaranTaran in Dairy Buffalo farmig and S Sukhminder Singh as Fish cum Pig integrated Livestock farmers were also felicitated along with Dinesh Arora Karnal Haryana as most promising Publisher of popular Livestock/ Poultry Magazines. 

Dr. Sukhwant Singh Veterinary Officer, Prof. Dr. Charan Kamal Singh, Prof. Dr. OP Takkar and Dr. Kewal arora entertained the audience with their songs and poems.

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