Final year B.F.Sc. students and some former pass outs of college of Fisheries, Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (GADVASU) are on strike since 2.6.14 in protest against the State Government for not providing jobs to the fisheries graduates. Since the inception of the College of Fisheries, university is continuously making efforts for the placement of their students in public as well as private sector. University had been the major driving force in getting B.F.Sc. included as basic qualification for the entry level post of Fisheries Officers in State Fisheries Department. Besides this, private aqua product companies have also been roped in for campus as well as online placements of final year B.F.Sc. students. Private sector banks have also been approached for their placement. Further to explore self employment avenues in fisheries sector, students have been made aware of various schemes of NABARD. Meeting of the students with honourable Chief Minister of Punjab were also arranged to make the state government aware of the scientifically trained fisheries human resource produced by College of Fisheries, GADVASU, so that they may be absorbed in appropriate fisheries development projects or schemes of the State.
For better job prospects, out of the 16 B.F.Sc. pass outs, 2 are pursuing PG in U.S.A., 2 at GADVASU, 4 in Central Institute of Fisheries Education (ICAR), Mumbai, 1 at G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology. Two of the fisheries graduates are serving in international and national private aqua firms, while one graduate has taken up self employment.
In addition to recruitment in State Fisheries Department in Punjab, there is a vast scope of employment of fisheries professionals in various public and private fisheries institutes/industries across the country. Further fisheries sector has adequate potential for self employment. The honourable Chief Minister of Punjab has also asked the fisheries graduates to come forward with promising self employment projects in fisheries as young entrepreneurs, either individually or in groups, and has assured them to provide financial assistance for the same.
The university authorities are in constant contact with the students on strike to convince them to resume their classes and complete their degree, which is due to complete in July, 2014. They have also been advised time to time by the Dean, College of Fisheries and other university official not to stay outside during the nights, as it is not safe with respect to security and health of the students. The respective families of the students were also informed about their activities and parents of the girl students were also conveyed that it is not safe for their daughters to stay out on the road during night hours. Students and their parents were also made aware of likely attack by mosquitoes, insects, snakes or Scorpios at the strike cite, which may pose serious threats to their lives. But neither the students nor their parents paid any attention to the advice. However, the university deputed their security personals and female attendants for the safety of students during the nights, while local administration has also provided security, including lady constables, to the students. The university authorities are worried for the welfare and safety of their students, but it is unfortunate to know that they are blaming the University for pressurising them for calling off the strike.
DR. V. K. Taneja, Vice Chancellor, GADVASU met the students outside the PAL auditorium after the convocation of College of Veterinary sciences and conveyed them that university had been in constant touch with the state government for their employment and will continue to make further efforts for the same, both in State and private sector. He further informed that the State Government has submitted a project worth Rs. 320 crores to the Government of India for strengthening of fish production the State under the protein supplement mission. The project is likely to be sanctioned and shall make available various jobs for fisheries graduates. He also advised them to keep patience and resume their classes and complete their degrees in time.
Dr. K. M. L. Pathak, Deputy Director General (Animal Science) ICAR, New Delhi, who was in the campus as chief guest for the convocation of College of veterinary Sciences, assured the students for the early sanction of the project submitted by the State and also informed them various schemes launched by ICAR for the benefit of the students.