College of Veterinary Science of Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University is one of the premier institute for veterinary and animal science education and has achieved excellence and recognition nationally and internationally statedth Convocation of College of Veterinary Science. A total of 111 students were conferred BVSc & AH degree. Three Gold medals and merit certificate were awarded to the meritorious students for their performance. Money Vouchers were presented to students excelling in studies in different years of the program to get books.
Dr Pathak said the serious concern in veterinary education is veterinary human resource which is continuously facing the threat of shortage of skilled professionals. The number of veterinary graduates produced each year is still far below the required level. He felt strong need to upgrade veterinary education and research in the country by opening new veterinary colleges. Dr Pathak called for the diversification of agriculture in livestock sector. About 70% of the rural household owns livestock Animal Husbandry is an important source of employment in rural India especially for women. Inspite of the fact that the average holding of livestock is small, the livestock sector has considerable potential for generating additional employment through milk, meat, wool and eggs production and value addition.
Dr. Pathak praised the college for excellent herd of murrah buffaloes, development of some poultry breeds and Punjab white Japanese quail, and for initiating conservation and improvement of Nili-Ravi buffaloes and different Zebu breed of cattle. He stressed the need for creation of a disaster management fund for livestock to support livestock owners during calamities.He congratulated all recipients of degrees and awards in the 13th Convocation and also their worthy teachers for imparting quality education, skills and values.
Dr. V. K. Taneja, Vice Chancellor presided over the function and other officers of the university Dr. P. D. Juyal Registrar, Dr. S. S. Randhawa Director of Research, Dr. R. S. Sahota Director or Extension Education, Dr. Sushil Prabhakar Controller of Examinations were also present.
Presenting the convocation report highlighting research, teaching and extension achievements of the university, Dr H S Sandhu Dean of the college spoke about the future programs. The focus would be to develop cutting edge technologies to increase animal productivity while mitigating the effects of climate change on livestock productivity. For accurate and efficient disease diagnosis and treatment, excellence in clinical services shall be developed with super-specialty at species level and advancements in medicine, surgery and reproduction.Priority would be to generate cost effective technologies for benefit of farmers. Animal Husbandry Extension network for demonstration and dissemination of technologies and services would be further strengthened.Dr K S Sandhu Member PPSC and former DSW, the former deans of the college - Dr. S. K. Jand, Dr. K.K. Baxi, Dr. D. R. Sharma, and Dr. R. P. Sehgal were also present on this occasion.