Guru Angad Dev Veterinary & Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana is organizing a one day workshop for Dairy and Fisheries officers of the state on 12th August 2013. Sh. G. Vajralingam, Financial Commissioner, Animal Husbandry, Fisheries and Dairy Development will inaugurate the workshop. Mr. Inderjit Singh, Director, Punab Dairy Development Board and Mr. B.K. Sood, Director and Warden, Department of Fisheries, Punjab will also grace the occasion. While speaking about the workshop Dr V.K. Taneja, Vice-Chancellor revealed that diversification to livestock is the best alternative to declining economics of wheat-rice system and to maintain water table and soil health in Punjab. He said that livestock sector especially dairy and fisheries are playing an important role in food security, employment generation, asset creation, financial security and as coping mechanism against crop failure. The Workshop has been planned to share the latest research finding, scientific know-how, extension methodologies and future strategies for effective transfer of dairy and fisheries education through dairy and fisheries officers to support higher productivity. It would provide an opportunity to the field officials to interact and share their experiences on the emerging issues in dairy and fisheries with scientists and researchers. The workshop will provide a platform to create an interface for exchange of knowledge, ideas and constraints at field level between university scientists and field officers that are working at grass root level. Dr. Taneja said that GADVASU is doing its best to uplift this sector further and every required effort will be taken care to reach the hitherto unreached livestock farmers.
Dr. R.S. Sahota, Director Extension Education, GADVASU said that after the common inaugural session there will be different sessions for dairy officers and fisheries officers to update their knowledge. At the end a joint plenary session will be conducted to work out the recommendation and area of thrust needed to be focused.