A two-day Convocation-cum-Scientific Convention on “Strategies for enhancing productivity of Dairy Animals” jointly organized by Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana and National Academy of Veterinary Sciences (India) (NAVS), has been inaugurated on July 1, 2023. The chief guest of the inaugural function was Shri Parshottam Rupala, Minister for Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Government of India. S. Gurmeet Singh Khuddian, Minister for Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Fisheries, Dairy Development and Food Processing, Govt. of Punjab was the Guest of honour. Function was presided over by Dr. DVR Prakash Rao, President, NAVS
(I) whereas Dr. Umesh Chandra Sharma was a special guest.
Dr. Inderjeet Singh, Vice-Chancellor, Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University welcomed the worthy guests and delegates and highlighted the role of animal husbandry sector in the Indian economy and contribution of Punjab state and the Veterinary University in the same.
Dr. Umesh Chandra Sharma, President, Veterinary Council of India congratulated the University and Academy for organizing this convention, He stressed upon the need of one health concept and creation of a separate Indian council for Veterinary sector for proper funding and growth of the sector.
Dr. DVR Prakash Rao, President of NAVS(I) briefed about the role of academy for the growth of the animal husbandry sector, releasing different policy papers in context to different livestock and poultry diseases and emphasized the state of this sector at national and global levels. He emphasized the need for entrepreneurship development in this sector and the need for policy intervention for creation of a separate research council for veterinary and fishery sciences.
S. Gurmeet Singh Khuddian underlined the contribution of agriculture and animal husbandry wealth of Punjab state in the national economy. He also stressed upon the growing swine farming, presence of breeds of different livestock like Murrah, Nili Ravi and Beetal in the state. He urged the central government for policy interventions to prohibit milk adulteration causing harm to human health.
Sh. Rupala lauded the contribution of Vet Varsity in the upliftment of dairy and fishery farmers through generation and outreach of novel technologies. He was enthused by visiting various farms, Multi Speciality Veterinary hospital and Farmer information centre as a help desk for farmers. He informed the delegates about the current policies of the central government like Mobile Veterinary Vans for livestock farming community. He informed that deliberations have been made on the need for creation of a separate research council for animal
husbandry and fishery sector.
Academy governing council conducted the award ceremony. A total of four academy awards, 35 fellowships, 8 associate fellowship and 26 memberships were bestowed.
Dr. Sarvpreet Singh Ghuman, Dean, College of Veterinary Science (Ludhiana) and Organizing Secretary of the convention wished the two day convention will lead to fruitful outcomes for the growth of the sector. Dr, S K Uppal, Dean Post graduate studies extended vote of thanks to the august gathering and congratulated the awardees