An international training program for Veterinary Officers and Scientists of Nepal on “Augmentation of Fertility in Buffaloes” started at Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana. It was sponsored by the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI). Nine Veterinary officers/livestock development officers/scientists from various organizations of Nepal are participating in this training. This training program is mainly based on improving and updating the knowledge of officers from Nepal regarding buffalo reproduction and various problems like delayed puberty, anestrus, seasonal breeding, infertility, uterine torsion, uterine infections etc. of buffalo breeding. They will also learn novel techniques like superovulation, embryo transfer, semen cryopreservation, estrus synchronization, handling of semen, sexed semen technology etc. for improving the reproductive efficiency in buffaloes.
Buffalo is a major dairy animal being reared in South-East Asian countries. India has the largest buffalo population in the world. Nepal is an adjoining country of India with many social, cultural and societal similarities. Nepal is also having a population of more than 52 lakhs buffaloes mainly reared by small and marginal farmers. The Directorate of Extension Education, in collaboration with the Department of Veterinary Gynaecology and Obstetrics, organized this training program.
Dr. Inderjeet Singh, Vice-Chancellor, said that this training will definitely improve the knowledge and skill of participants working in the field of buffalo reproduction in Nepal as well as it shall open up the new areas of collaboration between two countries. Dr. Parkash Singh Brar, Director of Extension Education addressed the participants and stressed upon the importance of this training program in improving the technical know-how and field applicability of technologies developed for the improvement of productivity of buffaloes.