College of Veterinary Science, Rampura Phul celebrated World Antimicrobial Awareness Week (18th-24th November), 2021 by organizing an awareness programme among students of Govt. Senior Secondary School, Mandi Phul (Bathinda) on 24th November, 2021. The Principal of the school, Mr. Atul formally welcomed the scientific delegates of the college for the awareness programme. Dr. Maninder Singh, Assoc. Prof of Deptt. of Veterinary Public Health and Epidemiology introduced the theme of this year i.e “Spread awareness, Stop Resistance” and emphasized on the p
rudent use of antimicrobials in human health sector. The second speaker, Dr. Vikrant Sudan, Assoc. Prof of Deptt of Veterinary Parasitology put a light on spread and accumulation of antimicrobial resistance across the food chain. Dr. Jay Prakash Yadav and Dr. Adarsh Mishra highlighted the overuse and misuse of antibiotics in the animal sector leading to the emergence and spread of resistance in the communities.
Dr. Manish Kumar Chatli, Dean and Dr. Inderjeet Singh, Vice-Chancellor appreciated the efforts of the scientists of the college and emphasized on conducting such events on a regular basis.