Directorate of Human Resource Management (HRMC), Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana (GADVASU) organized a lecture on Prevention of Dengue fever by Dr. Anurag Chaudhary, Professor cum Head, Department of Community Medicine, DMC&H, Ludhiana. The lecture was conducted under the aegis of institutional development programme of Veterinary University. Sensing that dengue fever is spreading its tentacles dangerously, directorate decided to spread awareness about this emerging dreaded disease among its faculty, staff and students. Dr. Anurag explained the intricacies of this viral infection in very simple language that a layman can also understand the disease for its proper management. She explained that how by becoming more vigilant and by taking simple steps in our lifestyle and by keeping our surroundings clean people can be prevented by this rapidly spreading seasonal viral disease. To control the infection, she detailed about the necessary steps to be taken to control of mosquitoes including dodging of stagnant water which act as breeding places of mosquitoes of Aedes spp, the vectors for disease. She also discussed about simple identification points of
dengue mosquito. She apprised the fraternity about the medication to be taken in dengue fever. She said that taking lot of fluids and proper rest in recovery phase is the best method of managing dengue. The audiences were also full of enthusiasm and plenty of practical queries related to dengue and allied problems were clarified by Dr. Anurag.
Dr. C.S. Randhawa, HOD Veterinary Medicine, Dr. S.S. Randhawa, Director Clinics along with Dr. L.D. Singla Director HRMC chaired the session and presented a token of honour to the esteemed guest speaker. Lastly, Dr. Singla, thanked the Vice-Chancellor for motivating to accomplish health related awareness. He thanked Dr. H.S. Banga, Registrar GADVASU for continuous support and guidance to the Directorate of Human Resouce Management of the institute. He also thanked Dr. S.P.S. Ghuman, Dean COVS for conducting such lectures under Institutional Development Project.
Dr. Inderjeet Singh, Vice-Chancellor lauded the efforts of Directorate Human Resource Management and also advised to keep arranging such lectures for the welfare of university staff.