Every year World Food Day is celebrated to mark the establishment of Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in year 1945. The Centre for One Health, Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana celebrated this year World Food Day in a series of events under the aegis of ICAR- Institutional Development Plan-National Agricultural Higher Education Project (IDP-NAHEP). Under this initiative, a workshop on “The Food We Eat: Impact on Health and Environment” was organized on October 14 2021. Dr. J.S.
Bedi, Director of the Centre and Coordinator of the event welcomed and discussed about the importance of World Food Day, Food Safety and One Health. Dr. Rajiv Pal Singh Thakur, Head, Fresh Milk Sourcing and Dairy Development, Nestle India Ltd., Moga talked on “Risk and Mitigation actions of Residues in Fresh Raw Milk with respect to Food Safety and Public Health Perspective”. Dr. Kiran Kang Bains, PAU, Ludhiana interacted with participants and discussed about the healthy diet for strengthening the immune system as well as intuitive eating and its principles. Dr. RS Aulakh and Dr Rajnish Sharma from Centre for One Health also shared their experiences on food safety and its importance.
Dr. Rajnish Sharma, organizing secretary of the event mentioned that more than 30 UG and PG students of GADVASU have participated in this scientific event. Dr. Bedi extended the vote of thanks to the speakers, faculty, and the participants.
Centre for One Health also organized an awareness camp in collaboration with the Police DAV Public School, Ludhiana. Dr. Rajnish Sharma and Dr. Pankaj Dhaka interacted with students and highlighted the importance of food quality and strategies to keep food safe. Dr. Anu Verma, Principal ofthe school appreciated and acknowledged the session very useful for students . Centre also organized a seminar on “Food safety, security and waste management” and visited to the Verka Milk Plant, Ludhiana.
Dr. J.S Bedi acknowledged Dr. Sarvpreet Singh Ghuman, PI-IDP & Dean, College of Veterinary Science and Dr. Inderjeet Singh, Vice-Chancellor, GADVASU for their kind support to organize the series of events to mark world food day.