Under the programme BHARAT KA AMRUT MAHOTSAV- 75 Years of India’s Independence, Department of Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Extension Education of GADVASU, Ludhiana is going to start three training courses for livestock farmers from 09.08.2021. These training courses are “Two-Week Dairy Farming Training Course”, “One-Week Goat Farming Training Course” and “One-Week Pig Farming Training Course”. Dr. R. K. Sharma, HoD revealed that all the basic knowledge that is needed for starting a new venture in respective farming will be provided to the trainees through expert lectures, demonstrations, visits as well as practical classes. Special emphasis is given on breeding management, feeding management, shelter management, vaccination and deworming protocols, disease prevention protocols and economics along with value addition of the produce.
Due to current outbreak, the trainees have to follow all the Covid related guidelines strictly; otherwise, their candidature will be nullified.
These training courses have been made free for women trainees just to motivate them and to improve their participation in such courses.
The interested candidates/farmers can download the registration proforma from university’s website (www.gadvasu.in). This proforma is also published in university’s monthly magazine, “Vigiyanak Pashu Palan”. The filled form can be submitted at the FARMER INFORMATION CENTRE of the University. For more details, the farmers can contact at 0161-2414026, 2414005 or 2553364.