The ground water level is declining day by day due to frequent pumping of water from the ground. Under Punjab conditions, due to cultivation of rice, we extract water quickly leading to shortage in ground water supply. With the motive to manage this problem, Department of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare and Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Sahibjada Ajit Singh Nagar (Mohali) took initiative under the guidance of Dr. Parminder Singh, AD to guide the farmers of district Mohali about unpuddled Direct Seeded Rice (DSR) at village Shahpur. Seven progressive farmers from different villages participated in this meeting. During the programme, Dr. Harmeet Kaur (Assistant Professor, KVK Mohali) informed the farmers that they can save 15-20% water by adopting DSR. She further elaborated that DSR should be practised in medium to heavy texture soils. The suitable time of sowing for DSR is 1-15 June and farmers should use lucky seed drill for sowing purpose preferably. Disease attack in DSR field is lower than puddled rice fields. During the event, Dr. Gurbachan Singh (Agriculture Development Officer, S.A.S. Nagar), suggested the farmers to grow short duration varieties (PR 126, Pusa Basmati 1509) with fast growth & less water requirement. One progressive farmer from village Shahpur, Mr. Sukhvinder Singh shared his last year experience of DSR & elaborated that he got excellent results. Now he is increasing his cropping area in this year under DSR.