Sh. Narendra Singh Tomar, Union Minister of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Rural Development and Food Processing Industries said that the students of agriculture should apply their knowledge and energy to the advanced farming and help farmers. By doing this, graduates of agriculture can change the fate of the country. He said this while addressing thousands of agricultural students across the country. There are 74 Agricultural Universities in the country and more than 15 thousand students connected online to this workshop and dialogue program.
Sh. Tomar said that agriculture and village is the identity of India in our agrarian country. Only by strengthening our villages can we become self-sufficient. During the Corona crisis the agriculture and rural areas, these two sectors stood with full force and agriculture's contribution to GDP was also on positive side, the agriculture sector has proved its relevance, it is our huge capital. He revealed that the Prime Minister, Shri. Narendra Modi, made several schemes for the development of farmers and agriculture. The government has given a strong platform to graduates of agriculture.
Educated youth can do their farming, if they put small units in villages on the basis of knowledge, then they will have a good income. Students have knowledge, opportunity, enthusiasm, energy, age, so that they can be more successful in farming. Young India is a great strength of our country, who can participate in building a self-reliant India. Sh. Tomar said that there is large number of small acreage farmers in our country, they depend on nature. There are some areas where cultivation cannot be done. Agricultural students can contribute positively in this. They can grow expensive crops for income growth, cultivate according to global standards. In this way, the country can improve its export. The efforts of young students will revolutionize the lives of farmers. The government and ICAR want to increase agriculture education pupils and the ministry is constantly churning to improve it. Contribution of agricultural students is also necessary to prevent wastage of food grains he added.
Sh. Parshottam Rupala, Union Minister of State for Agriculture, Sh. Jamyang Tsering Namgyal, MP Ladakh and Dr. Trilochan Mohapatra, Director General of ICAR also addressed the program. Dr. R.C. Aggarwal, Deputy Director General, ICAR coordinated the programme.
While commenting on future scene of agriculture education, Dr. Inderjeet Singh, Vice-Chancellor of Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana said that GDP of livestock sector is increasing in agriculture day by day and new graduates of veterinary and animal sciences are contributing a lot. He said that there are ample opportunities in public and private sector for these technocrats. He invoked the students to get connect with GADVASU which is first ranked veterinary university of country by ICAR's latest Institutional ranking.