Monthly meeting of “Innovative Fish Farmers Association (IFFA)”, Punjab was held at College of Fisheries, GADVASU, Ludhiana, which was attended by 30 farmers, including members of IFFA and new farmers interested in fish farming, from different districts of the state. In view of approaching summer season, Dr. Abhishek Shrivastava delivered
a talk on ‘Care of fish during this transition phase from winter to summer and their subsequent management during summer season’, including tips on water quality, disease management and changes in feeding schedule with increasing temperature. An expert lecture on “Application of Probiotics in Aquaculture” was also delivered by Dr. Amit Mandal. As the farmers are getting acquainted to use different kinds of probiotics in aquaculture, hence an insight regarding its utilization for optimizing production was discussed. Dr. Prabjeet Singh coordinated the meeting and addressed the queries of farmers related to pond bottom management practices with special reference to muddy pond bottom and its remedial measures. Dr. Meera D. Ansal, Head, Department of Aquaculture also interacted with farmers and advised them to take special care of fishes in spring season as chances of disease occurrence and parasitic infestation are greatly enhanced with increasing temperature.
Dr. Kulbir Singh Sandhu, Dean, College of Fisheries advised the farmers to remain connected with the university experts for appropriate treatment/remedial measures, in case of any disease outbreak. Dr. H. K. Verma, Director Extension Education, GADVASU emphasized that such kind of meets are required for updating technical knowledge of the farmers at a common platform, besides addressing critical issues through consultation and collective action plan. The meeting concluded with an enthusiastic IFFA’s plan to participate in the upcoming Pashu Palan Mela of GADVASU in the month of March, where university provides special space to various livestock farmer’s associations to display their activities for attracting and motivating youth to livestock entrepreneurship.