Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Tarn Taran under Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University organized farmers fair under the theme Conservation Agriculture and Nutritional Security at Armaan Haveli, Harike Pattan, District Tarn Taran. About 800 farmers along with college students and farm women participated during the event. The main focus of the show has been laid on overcoming the menace of crop residue burning vis-à-vis soil, animal and human health. The programme was inaugurated by Dr Rajbir Singh Brar, Director ICAR-ATARI Zone-1, PAU, Ludhiana and Dr. Harish Kumar Verma, Director, Extension Education, Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana. Dr. Balwinder Kumar, Deputy Director (Training), KVK, Booh, Tarn Taran extended a warm welcome to the scientists, entrepreneurs and farm community. The technical session was chaired by Dr. Rajbir Singh Brar, Director, ICAR-ATARI-Zone-I, Ludhiana and Dr HK Verma, DEE, GADVASU, Ludhiana. Panel of experts from various international and national organizations viz. Sabanci University, Istanbul Turkey, International Zinc Association, World Iodine Association, Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and
Animal Sciences University, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana etc. exchanged their research views with the farmers. The first session was initiated with imparting the awareness regarding adverse aftermaths of rice stubble burning. Dr HK Verma, Director of Extension Education GADVASU, Ludhiana highlighted importance of paddy straw as livestock feed, bedding material and other uses besides importance of micro nutrients in the diet of livestock. KVK scientist highlighted the beneficial effects of residue incorporation on soil properties including increase in organic matter levels and the population of agriculturally beneficial soil microbes. Beside, farmers were motivated for in-situ crop residue management by adopting different agricultural technologies i.e. use of Happy Seeder, mulcher and MB plough and so on. Moreover, proceeding to second technical session, Dr. Ismail Cakmak, Professor from Sabanci University, Istanbul, Turkey shared his research findings and skills to enhance zinc content in diverse number of crops such as wheat, cotton and apple with proper selection of soluble fertilizer. Besides these, various methods to check heat stress or impact of temperature on crop foliage and other parts have been explained. Dr. Katja Hora from World Iodine Association, Belgium
highlighted the importance of iodine in human health, its deficiency and measures for nutritional security. Dr. Hari Ram, Senior Agronomist from Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana enlightened the farmers with new varieties of zinc enriched wheat sown in Punjab along with appropriate application techniques of zinc fertilizer. Further, healthcare professionals Dr. BS Shah and Dr. Ritu Sudhakar explained the audience about prevalence and symptoms of iron and zinc deficiency in human and their dietary management. Dr. Soumitra Das from International Zinc Association discussed about Zn in Indian soils and its amelioration. Literature depicting resource conservation technology in agriculture, role of zinc in human health and Zinc rich foods in regional language has also been released. Scientist also visited farmer field wheat crop sown with Happy Seeder. Dr. Rajbir Singh Brar congratulated the farmers of two villages i.e. Booh Havelian and Jauneke for zero crop residue burning after paddy harvesting as per the guidance provided by KVK, Tarn Taran. He also applauded the work and services of KVK Tarn Taran and GADVASU for providing technical knowhow related to agriculture and livestock to the farmers. Dr. Balwinder Kumar proposed a vote of thanks to all the farmers, stakeholders, Government officials, companies, media persons and corps for their valuable support in making the show a grand success.