Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Booh (Taran Taran) of Guru Aagad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana organised a Farmer-Scientist interface on Crop Residue Management under a project on "Promotion of Agricultural Mechanization and Machinery for In- situ Management of Crop Residue" at adopted village Booh Havelian and approximately 150 farmers were participated in this programme. Dr. Balwinder Kumar, Deputy Director (Training) of KVK emphasized the importance of In-situ paddy straw management among the farmers and he said that Central Government
has announced a subsidy scheme on farm machinery & implements and farmers can avail this subsidy scheme. Dr Rajbir Singh Director ATARI Zone-1 Ludhiana, stressed that we all should make out efforts so that no farmer in the Punjab state should burn the paddy straw as it causes adverse effect on soil health and will cause serious consequences.
Dr Harish Kumar Verma Director Extension Education, GADVASU informed about importance of paddy straw in feeding of dairy animals and to cut down the feeding cost. Dr Verma said that paddy straw can be treated with urea for better utilization in livestock feeding. Dr Jasbir Singh from PAU Ludhiana, explained about various implements like Happy Seeder, Chopper, Mulcher, which can be used to manage paddy straw properly. Dr Navjot Singh Brar informed that weed problem is minimized in Happy seeder sown wheat crop. Dr, Anil Kumar stressed that many Micro-nutrients and organic matter gets lost by paddy straw burning. Dr. Nirmal singh informed that among vegetable, large area in the district is used for potato and early pea cultivation and farmers can cultivate peas and Potato by burying paddy straw residues underneath 15-30 cm in the soil by using reversible Mould board plough. Machinery was displayed in the event and literature related to residue burning was also distributed to the farmers. Farmers assured that they will disseminate message of KVK for not to burn paddy straw and will put their whole effort for residue management.