A 21 days ICAR Sponsored Summer School, August 21- September 10, 2018, on “Applied Aspects of Statistical Modelling and Inferences in Veterinary and Animal Sciences” starts in the Department of Animal Genetics and Breeding, College of Veterinary Science. Dr. B.K. Bansal, Course Director and Head of the Department welcomed the dignitaries and participants across the country. He highlighted the activities of the training and revealed that 22 participants from 10 different states of India are attending the course. Dr. S.K. Uppal, Dean Post Graduate studies inaugurated the function and thanked the ICAR for letting the university to have such a privilege to host such kind of programs. He discussed the importance of the Statistical knowledge in the present research aspects and the drawbacks of the meager knowledge of the same being quite prevalent among the researchers.
Dr P.S. Brar, Dean, College of Veterinary Science conveyed the participants to take the full advantage of the training and encouraged them to learn the modern statistical techniques from the faculty and the experts being invited outside the university. He also highlighted the importance of the Department of Animal Genetics and Breeding in contributing to the economy of the farmers by disseminating superior germplasm of Dairy and Poultry Livestock. Dr Jaswant Singh an alumnus of this institute and Professor from Western College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Saskatchewan, Canada was the special guest at the function. He explained the significance of the application of statistics in the analysis
of research data in the field of Veterinary and Animal Sciences. Dr NS Sharma, Controller of Examinations and Dr. Ramneek, Director, School of Animal Biotechnology also graced the occasion. The participants of the course shared their views to have been looking forward to learn from such a program. The function was closed with a vote of thanks presented by Dr. Neeraj Kashyap, course coordinator.
Dr. A.S. Nanda Vice-Chancellor conveyed his good wishes for the successful conduct of the course.