A monthly meeting of Progressive Pig Farmer Association (PPFA) held at Guru Angad Dev veterinary & Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana. A total of 70 farmers from every corners of Punjab State participated in this meeting. Technical deliberation was delivered on management of piglets and pigs by Dr Gurpreet Singh an expert from Veterinary Physiology and Biochemistry department (GADVASU). Queries of farmers were also addressed in this meeting. Dr H K Verma, Director Extension Education, GADVASU revealed that Pig farming is gaining all-time high popularity in the state overcoming the social taboo attached with this farming. He further told that university strive its best to popularize various livestock farming like Dairy, Poultry, Piggery, Goat etc. for all section of farmers viz landless, small to large farmers through various modus operandi. GADVASU is also patting the innovative and progressive pig farmers by honouring them with Chief Minister Award every year to the selected farmer(March, Pashu Palan Mela).
Dr S K Kansal, Head, Department of Veterinary extension, revealed that different farmers associations like Pig, Goat, Fish are running under the aegis of university. Dr Jaswinder Singh and Dr Bilawal Singh, Coordinators, Progressive Pig Farmer Association told that university is regularly providing the technical backup to the Pig farmers by conducting the monthly meeting of association. Mr Sukhwinder singh Grewal, president PPFA told that he is getting lot of inquiries from various farmers’ especially young ones regarding opening and scope of pig farming in Punjab. He further highlighted that many new ventures to promote pig farming by the government are in pipeline It is pertinent to mention that many members of PPFA are undertaking value addition of meat and its products.