KrishiVigyan Kendra (KVK) Barnala organized its 1st Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) meeting on 12th February, 2018 at KVK office, Handiaya, The SAC meeting was chaired by Dr Harish Kumar Verma, Director of Extension Education , GADVASU, Ludhiana. In his introductory address Dr. Verma in sighted KVK, Barnala activities and attainments which is operational under Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana.The proceeding of
SAC meeting began with welcome gesture to all the committee members by Dr P. S. Tanwar, Associate Director, KVK, Barnala. A detailed presentation was given by Dr. Tanwar on achieved milestones, progress report for the year 2017-18 and proposed action plan for the year 2018-19 and discussion in broad was held to strengthen the existing KVK mandates. Dignitaries from various line departments and progressive farmers participated in this meeting. Dr J. S. Brar, Associate Director, (KVK Bathinda);Dr Gurjinder Pal Singh Singh Sodhi, Associate Director (KVK, Mansa); Dr. Rachhpal Singh, Chief Agriculture Officer, Department of agriculture, Barnala ; Dr B.K. Jindal, Deputy Director, Department of Animal Husbandary, Barnala; Er. Bhupinder Singh , Department of Soil and water conservation , Barnala; Sh. Harvinder Singh, Senior Fishery Officer, Department of Fisheries, Barnala; Dr Navdeep Singh Gill, S.E.S (FASC, Barnala,PAU, Ludhiana); Dr Jaspal Singh Lamba, Professor (Animal Nutrition), GADVASU, Ludhiana; Er. Manavpreet Singh, District Development Manager, NABARD, Sangrur; Sh. Gurmeet Singh, Dairy Inspector ; Manpreet Singh, Dairy Inspector, Department of Dairy Development, Barnala; Sh. Prehlad
Singh ,Horticulture Development Officer, Barnala and progressive farmers Sh. Gulzar Singh (Kattu); Sh. Gurdeep Singh (Handiaya); Mrs.Amarjeet Kaur , SHG (Dhanaula); Sh. Gurjant Singh (KhudiKhurd) and Scientist from KVK, Barnala. Dr. Verma beseeches the
committee members to come forward with innovative ideas in regard to their respective fields to construct bright action plan for KVK, Barnala. Simultaneously, after critical analysis, on the spot advisory for the general hurdles faced by the stakeholders related to agriculture and livestock was also provided by the Chairperson. During the farmer scientist interaction, farmers submitted that KVK Barnala is helping them a lot for solving their problems related to agriculture and livestock. Dr. H.K.Verma in his concluding remark assured the members of committee to include their valuable suggestions in the action plan of 2018-19. An exhibition were also arranged to display the technologies developed and popularize by KVK, Barnala. All the members of SAC visited all live demonstration units maintained at KVK Handiaya and appreciated the work done by KVK, Barnala. To sum up the programme, Dr. P.S. Tanwar, thanked all the committee members, heads of various departments, scientists, representative officials, farmers and farm women for their participation in this meeting.