Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Tran Taran organized two one week duration vocational training programme on ‘Backyard Poultry Farming’ under schemes ICAR-14 and RKVY-11 for skill development and self employment of rural people at its campus. Thirty two farmers included 26 female and 6 male belonging to five different villages of Distt. Tarn Taran had participated in these training courses. Scientific knowledge on various aspects of backyard poultry farming system was devised in these training for self-entrepreneurship of farmers for economic upliftment and abolition of malnutrition in poor families.
Addressing on the inaugural session of the training programme, Deputy Director (Training) and Course Director, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Booh Tarn Taran said that for improving the socio-economic status of the traditional and poor farmers, backyard poultry farming is a handy enterprise with low-cost initial investment, but high economic return along with guarantee for improving protein deficiency among the poor. Backyard poultry farming is a source of better livelihood for rural farmers and might be helpful in eradication of malnutrition among the family members in home. Besides, backyard poultry farming boost up in family income for better utilization of family labourers who are not able to perform other agricultural works like old family member. Backyard poultry farming acts as an ‘ATM’, because as per family need the birds and eggs can be sold at anytime anywhere with cash in hand. Such type of trainings helps farmers, farm women, and rural youth in developing the agricultural entrepreneurship through livestock diversification after expanding this venture later on. Dr. Balwinder Kumar also highlighted various facilities developed by GADVASU and KVK.
Course Coordinator, Dr Shashi Pal informed that broader topic covered in the training course included housing management at small level, feed management, different species of poultry suitable for backyard system, marketing of eggs and poultry birds, products of eggs and chicken meat, etc. KVK faculty also covered some topics related to vermi compost preparation from poultry manure, loan facilities and integration of poultry with fish farming.
Dr Shashi Pal and Dr Bhanu Prakash Ch. Course Coordinators proposed the vote of thanks at the valedictory function and thanked the trainees and visiting guest and faculty for the efforts to make these training programme a success.