The School of Animal Biotechnology at GADVASU successfully completed ICAR sponsored 21 days Winter School on “Recent Approaches in Animal Disease Diagnostics and Vaccinology.Dr. Simrat Sagar Singh, Dean Post Graduate Studies, GADVASU and Dr N S Sharma, Controller of Examination were the chief guests of the concluding function.
Dr Simrat Sagar Singh, said that In India Animal Husbandry sector makes significant contribution to the agricultural GDP. The targeted growth rate for livestock sector is 6%. This sector has further potential to grow if livestock and poultry management is addressed properly. He revealed that presently the domestic market for animal vaccines and that too mainly for control of canine diseases is only of Rs 180 crore as compared to Rs 1,600 crore for human vaccines. The public investment in research and development of vaccines for animals in India is meagre and there is a need of more research on development of safe and potent new generation cost effective vaccines against important animal diseases. He congratulated the faculty members for the excellent work being done for the training on diagnostics and vaccinology.
Dr N S Sharma, informed that twenty six scientists and faculty members from nine states of the country attended the winter school. The Winter School provided hands-on training on various advanced molecular biology tools used in the disease diagnosis and vaccine development.
He also conveyed that the School of Animal Biotechnology has earned several extra mural funded research projects from various funding agencies.
Dr Ramneek, Professor at School of Animal Biotechnology and Director of the Winter School informed that the practical sessions provided excellent opportunities for the participants to gain laboratory exposure of the basic and advanced molecular biological techniques which shall surely help to broaden their research aptitude. The knowledge gained in the training can be applied by participants in enhancing animal health and productivity at their respective organizations through the intervention of these cutting edge technologies.
Dr R S Sethi, proposed the vote of thanks and also congratulated the faculty members for their sincere and whole hearted efforts. He informed that the School is offering BTech, MVSc/MSc as well as PhD in the discipline of Animal Biotechnology/Biotechnology.