Board of Management, Guru Angad Dev Veterinary & Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana (GADVASU) gave nod to appoint Heads of different departments. While revealing the information, Dr. Sushil Prabhakar, Registrar, GADVASU said that Board of Management approved names of Heads of four departments of the College of Veterinary Science as the term of the incumbents has been completed.
Dr. Parkash Singh Brar will be HoD for Department of Veterinary Gynaecology and Obstetrics. He is having additional charge of Director Livestock Farms also. He has handled 16 research projects as principal investigator for various funding agencies including two from joint division of Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Vienna, Austria. Travelled to more than 12 countries in different capacities, he has more than 200 publications to his credit. He has guided seven postgraduate students as major advisor. His priority area will be to strengthen the undergraduate teaching and developing better linkages with farmers for combating the serious problem of subfertility in dairy animals in the state.
Dr Sanjeev Kumar Uppal has been appointed as Head of Department of Veterinary Medicine. He has more than 25 years of teaching, research and extension experience. He has guided 10 MVSc and 2 PhD students. He did his PhD under German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Fellowship from India and Germany. He was awarded Commonwealth Post Doctorate Fellowship by UK and DC Blood Gold Medal by Indian Society for Veterinary Medicine. He is a Fellow of National Academy of Veterinary Sciences of India. He has more than 100 publications in referred international and national journals to his credit. He has attended a good number of national and international conferences.
Dr Charan Kamal Singh, Senior Veterinary Pathologist has been appointed as In-Charge, Animal Disease Research Center. With his continued scientific contribution of more than 28 years in the field of Rabies diagnosis, pathogenesis and control, is now an leading name in the field of Rabies. His pioneering work on intravitam diagnosis of rabies in animals has brought in promptness and authenticity in speedy diagnosis of rabies in live animals by least invasive molecular approaches out of secretions/excretions and tissues of animals. Dr Singh has been invited to the HQs of scientific fraternity of both medical as well as veterinary streams wherein Dr Singh visited World Health Organization (WHO) HQs in Geneva, Switzerland and World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) HQs in Paris, France. Dr Singh has been awarded 24 awards by various national and international organizations.
Dr. Sarvpreet Singh Ghuman has been selected as HoD, Department of Teaching Veterinary Clinical Complex. He has been associated with 16 research projects. His research work has been recognized with Nils Lagerlof Memorial Award-2010, Dr N C Sharma Memorial Award-2010 and about 22 Young Scientist/Best Presentation Awards during various national conferences. Dr Ghuman has 7 review articles and 132 (inter)national scientific publications in referred journals of repute and has presented 10 lead papers in various conferences as well as 56 presentations in national/state level training courses. He has published 101 popular articles and a book on ‘Scientific Dairy farming’ for farmers. Also, he is editor of ‘Indian Journal of Animal Reproduction’. His major research interests include development of an economical and efficient fixed-time Artificial Insemination protocol for buffaloes reared in tropical areas.
Dr. AS Nanda, Vice-Chancellor GADVASU congratulated the new Heads of departments and hoped that will perform excellent to meet the growing needs of the livestock sector.