Women are important and integral part of physical and economic strength of our society. Their vital contribution can develop more positive and new horizons in the society. These views were expressed by Dr. V. K. Taneja Vice Chancellor, Guru Angad Dev Veterinary & Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana in his inaugural address in context of ‘Women in Agriculture Day’. He was explaining the crucial role of women in livestock and agriculture sector with future perspective at village Ramgarh Sikri (Talwara). He said that women are contributing very much in Agriculture and livestock professions in rural folk but not in systematic manner. The organized work of women‘s may deliver better results in production and economy.
Closing the gender gap in agriculture would generate significant gains for the sector and for society. If women had the same access to productive resources as men, they could increase yields on their farms by 20–30 percent. It would also put more income in the hands of women - a proven strategy for improving health, household nutrition and education outcomes for children.
Dr. Taneja said that vet varsity may help women’s in different aspects to develop them as entrepreneurs. Free of cost training programmes in different livestock professions and value additions are available for women in university.
Dr Ranjodhan Singh Sahota, Director of Extension Education, GADVASU, Ludhiana revealed that Different departments of the university exhibited the new techniques and practices for the benefit of the livestock farmers and attended their queries. The mineral mixture and uromin lick prepared by the university was available at nominal rates. Experts explained about the women related professions which may increase their income. Milk processing technologies for value addition was discussed with them. Free testing facilities for nitrate poisoning of fodders, mastitis testing, testing of faecal and feed samples were available at the mela.
Dr. A.L. Saini, Director of Regional Research and Training Centre, Bhatoli (Talwara) said that a large number of beneficiaries also visited Mela .Women self-help group explained their success stories in the mela, goats and pig farmers also narrated their achievements. Rope making machine was demonstrated which improves the production against manual techniques. Dr. Saini described about Bamboo Cage for poultry farmers which is very useful and economical for this area. An Animal welfare and treatment camp was also organized. Doctors recommended right and scientific practices to rear the animals.Dr. Saini said that foot operated Rope Making Machine was promoted in the area. With the installation of these machines, the farmers are making 7-8 kg of superior quality rope in one day by using same quantum of time, or 210-240 kg of rope per month. Eleven farm women were given training in bee-keeping and they started this activity with bee-boxes given to them out of project funds. Two groups of 10 and 5 farm women were given training in ‘Natural Vinegar Preparation’ and ‘Alcohol Free Self Carbonated Beverage Preparation’.
A women’s Self Help Group SHG (10 members) based at village Koi (Block Bhunga, District Hoshiarpur)is earning on an average Rs 3,500-4,000 per month through stitching and embroidery. Similarly, another SHG (20 members) based at village Asifpur (Block Hajipur) is earning Rs 4,000 per month through same activities. Seventeen, ten and five farm women were trained in different groups for fruit and vegetable preservation, vermicelli making and knitting, respectively. Maize shelling by specially designed hand operated maize sheller has reduced the activity time by 60-70%.
Krishi Vigyan Kendra Hoshiarpur of Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Dairy Development Department, Department of Fishery and Unati cooperative also put up their stalls in the exhibition.
Dr. Shashi Sehajpal, Dr. Veerpal, Dr. Inderpreet Kaur, Dr. Asha Dhawan, Dr. Mamta Pathak delivered expert advice and information on different professions for women. Dr. Kulbir Singh Saini of PAU explained the functioning and contribution of PAU in the National Agricultural innovation project Hoshiarpur.
Dr. S.N.S. Randhawa, Director Research, Swami Kamal Netar, Jyoti Saroop of Unati Cooperative and Veena Sharma of SSM Self Help Group also graced the occasion.
The farm women evinced keen interest in the stalls put up by the Home Science Experts. The Health Check-up Camp was also organized by Red Cross.