Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Booh, Tarn Taran organized a vocational training programme on ‘Scientific Cultivation of Mushroom’ from October 12-18, 2017 at its Campus. Seventeen farmers (11 male & 6 female) from different villages of district Tarn Taran has been benefitted by this training programme. Scientific knowledge on various aspects of mushroom farming was devised in this training for skill development and self entrepreneurship of farmers.
While inaugurating the training, Dr Balwinder Kumar Deputy Director (Training) and Course Director welcomed the trainee and emphasized upon the development of skill of the rural populace of the district Tarn Taran for earning more profit from different subsidiary agricultural ventures such as mushroom farming. Such type of skill development trainings helps farmers, farm women, and rural youth in developing the agricultural entrepreneurship. Mushroom farming is gaining momentum in state and can be good mean for earning profit from this venture. Dr. Kumar also highlighted various facilities developed and provided by GADVASU and KVK for the benefit of farming community.
Course Coordinators, Navjot Singh Brar, Dr Anil Kumar and Nirmal Singh provided insight to the trainees through lectures on production techniques of button, paddy straw and milky mushroom, etc. The composting technique was discussed in detail by Navjot Singh. Dr Harjot Singh Sohi, Asstt. Professor (Horticulture), KVK Barnala discussed the various disease identification and their remedy measures in mushroom. Dr Anil Kumar also showcased movies on Paddy straw and milky mushroom production to the participants, which provided learning skills for its cultivation. Nutritional and medicinal aspects and value addition of mushroom was discussed by Piverjeet Kaur Dhillon, Asstt Prof. (Home Science). Nirmal Singh, Asstt. Professor (Horticulture) emphasized on marketing aspects of mushroom cultivation. Exposure visits to commercial mushroom farm at village Lohar in Tarn Taran and Department of Microbiology (Demonstration field of Mushroom Cultivation), PAU Ludhiana were also arranged by the KVK, where participants learned practical skills of mushroom cultivation.
Dr Anil Kumar, Asstt. Prof (Soil Sci.) proposed the vote of thanks at the valedictory function and appreciated the trainees and visiting guest and faculty for their efforts to make this training programme a success.