Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University organised an interaction meeting of PUM Netherlands expert Mr. Tjeerd Dijkstra with Dr. Inderjeet Singh, Vice-Chancellor of Varsity, Director Extension education, Director Research and Heads of the departments of GADVASU. 'PUM Netherlands senior experts' is a non-profit organisation, which has been advising businesses in developing countries and emerging markets. Mr. Tjeerd Dijkstra a senior expert from PUM the Netherlands was on a 10 days visit at KVK Tarn Taran to guide district dairy farmers for better productivity of livestock for gaining higher returns.
Dr. Inderjeet Singh, Vice-Chancellor welcomed the PUM, dairy expert Mr. Tjeerd Dijkstra in the interaction meeting and apprised him about the university, Colleges and other outstations working for the betterment of livestock farming community. In this interaction meeting, Mr. Tjeerd Dijkstra discussed the possible solutions of the identified problems related to dairy farming. He enlightened about the management of mastitis, infertility and other related problems in dairy animals. Further, he explained about the importance of scientific silage making with
technological advancements. He elaborated the robot milking system with the university officials. However, he stressed upon the importance of colostrum in the growth of the calf and also suggested to use colostrum meter on a regular basis at the farmers' dairy farms to check the quality of colostrum.
All the directors, head of departments and university scientists interacted with PUM expert for better and sustainable dairy farming under Punjab conditions. Dr. Parkash Singh Brar, Director Extension education proposed vote of thanks to Mr. Tjeerd Dijkstra for visiting University. A visit to different farms of the university was arranged for the expert after meeting where he interacted with the scientists also.