Interface meet under “Mission towards zero non-descript AnGR of India” was organized by ICAR-National Bureau of Animal Genetic Resources, (ICAR-NBAGR), Karnal for Punjab state in virtual mode. Theme of the meet was “Characterization and Documentation of Animal Genetic Resources of Punjab: A Mission towards Zero Non-Descript Populations”. Meeting was attended by the senior officers of ICAR, Guru Angad Dev Veterinary & Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana Animal Husbandry Department, Punjab and other stakeholders.
Meeting was presided by Dr. Inderjeet Singh, Vice Chancellor, GADVASU, Ludhiana. Dr. Singh revealed that Punjab contributes 6.7% of total milk produced from less than 2% of total cattle and buffalo population of the country. The productivity of all the dairy animals i.e. exotic cattle, crossbred cattle, indigenous cattle breeds, non-descript cattle, indigenous buffalo breeds, non-descript buffaloes and goat is 16.73kg, 13.17kg, 7.96kg, 5.87kg, 9.70kg and1.57kg, respectively, which is the highest among all the states of India. It reflects that Punjab state is having superior germplasm of dairy animals as compared to other states of the country. The per capita availability in Punjab state is also highest i.e. 1221 g/day against 406 g/day at national level. He informed that recently Punjab included Gojri buffalo and Kajli sheep as registered breeds. He emphasized the need of redefining of Nili Ravi buffaloes, as it should not be confused with Panchkalyani. He informed that in future some other breeds need registration.
The Status of AnGR of Punjab was presented by Dr. Simarjeet Kaur, GADVASU. officials of Animal Husbandry, Punjab provided details of the development programmes and policies for the AnGR of the state. Dr. M.S Tantia, ICAR-NBAGR, informed that small ruminants and equine populations are to be explored before declaring the state of Punjab as Zero Non-descript livestock state.
All the panelists appreciated the efforts made by the state AHD and GADVASU and were of the opinion that Punjab may easily become “Zero Non-descript livestock and poultry state” of the country. It was decided in the meeting that all the non-descript livestock and poultry of the Punjab state will be explored jointly by the GADVASU, Animal Husbandry Department, Punjab and NBAGR, Karnal for identification, characterization and registration of new breeds of the state.