Guru Angad Dev Veterinary & Animal Sciences University(GADVASU), Ludhiana along with National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management, Hyderabad organized a four days online training programme on “Value Addition of Milk and Meat: A Push to Entrepreneurship” for various stakeholders related with livestock sector. The training was inaugurated by Dr. P. Chandra Shekara, Director General, MANAGE, Hyderabad and Dr. Parkash Singh Brar, Director of Extension Education, GADVASU, Ludhiana. In his address, Dr. Shekara emphasized on the importance of trainings in building entrepreneurship outlook amongst stakeholders in livestock sector. Dr. P.S. Brar highlighted the importance of value addition and role of GADVASU in realizing the target of boosting self-reliance amongst budding entrepreneurs, unemployed youth and women.
The training was attended by 155 participants belonging to 24 states and union territories across the country. The participants included farmers, entrepreneurs, field veterinarians, scholars, scientific staff and faculty members belonging to line departments, KVKs, universities and research institutes. A total of 16 expert lectures were delivered by the faculty of GADVASU exhaustively covering all the aspects of value addition of milk, meat and fish. The lectures were compiled in form of an e-compendium which was released by DG Manage and DEE, GADVASU. After training session, a feedback was sought from participants and they rated the quality and quantum of information shared during training programme as most appropriate. Dr Shahaji Phand, Assistant Director (Allied Extension) from MANAGE was the course director. Training was coordinated by Dr Nitin Mehta, Assistant Professor, GADVASU. Dr. S. Sivakumar, Senior Scientist and Dr. Amandeep Singh, Assistant Professor, GADVASU acted as Co-coordinators.