Department of Livestock Production Management, College of Veterinary Science, Guru Angad Dev Veterinary & Animal Sciences University (GADVASU), Ludhiana organized a National Webinar on Industry- Academia- Students interface on the topic, “Global Corona Crisis: Impact and Strategic measures to uplift Poultry Industry.”
The webinar was conducted and moderated by Dr. Manish Chatli, HOD. Dr. Yashpal Singh and Dr. Daljeet Kaur acted as coordinators for this event. This event was conducted under aegis of NAHEP-ICAR, Institutional Development Plan (IDP) operational in GADVASU. Dr. Manish Chatli welcomed all and introduced the esteemed speakers; Dr. N K Mahajan, Ex -Dean PGS, LUVAS, Hisar, Dr. Kamna Barkataki, Director, CPDO, Chandigarh and Dr. G G Barley, DGM-Punjab, Suguna Foods Pvt. Ltd. Dr. Mahajan emphasized on the need of biosecurity of farms and on the restriction of use of antibiotics and hormones in the poultry birds. Dr Barley highlighted the Socio-economic impact of corona virus on Poultry industry and Management strategies to make poultry farming capable to withstand this global crisis and emphasized on the importance of precision poultry nutrition to reduce the cost of production. Dr. Kamna highlighted the importance of backyard farming for the livelihood of the down trodden rural population. She also detailed the Govt. guidelines during this crisis.
Overwhelming response was received from the participants including students, teaching and research fraternity. Dr Daljeet Kaur conducted the question answer session and extended vote of thanks to all.
Dr. Inderjeet Singh, Vice-Chancellor, GADVASU congratulated the organizers for selecting such an important topic. He further stressed that the students should adopt poultry farming as an enterprise and become an employer rather than exploring Govt jobs.