Accepting the call to fight corona through “Mission Fateh” of Punjab Government, innovations at Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana (GADVASU) are proving highly useful. In line with the recommendations for routine use of sanitizer during COVID-19 crisis and guidelines of WHO, University has prepared a cost-effective alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
Dr. Vinod Dumka, Head of the Department said that COVID-19 Pandemic is a
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real time deadliest threat to present day global society. Best strategy at the moment is to strictly observe social distancing and frequent sanitization of hands for breaking spread chain of the virus. Due to immediate high demand, hand sanitizers, which were very expensive also, soon became out of stock. It was therefore imperative to develop an effective as well as cost-effective hand sanitizer which can be made locally and is user friendly.
Dr. Dumka, informed that the cost of GADVASU Hand Sanitizer is only around Rs. 120 per 400 ml against Rs. 250 to Rs. 400 for various commercially available brands. While University product is much cheaper, it is equally effective.
Dr. Parkash Singh, Dean Veterinary Science College, informed that during lockdown, GADVASU is continuing its essential activities including emergency services at Veterinary Hospital, diagnosis and treatment
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of seriously sick animals, management of animal farms and processing and sale of milk, eggs and meat. While strictly following social distancing and sanitary precaution guidelines, good number of scientists, clinicians, staff and workers are involved in these duties. ‘GADVASU Hand Sanitizer’ being used by the staff is proving highly effective in containing the spread of infections.
Dr. A.S. Nanda, Vice Chancellor congratulated the scientists and staff of the University for being innovative and for effectively contributing to the success of “Mission Fateh” of Punjab Government. Quick and timely availability of this product has helped smooth conduct of University services while safeguarding the health of University staff against COVID-19. He hoped that this initiative will help relieve pressures of high demand for commercial hand sanitizers.