Directorate of Extension Education, Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (GADVASU), organized a one day seminar on ‘Animal Husbandry and Animal Health practices” on 20th December 2019 for Veterinary officers, General Managers , Manager Milk Procurement and other officers from Punjab Milk federation. More than 50 officers attended seminar from all the Verka milk Unions of the state .Sh. KS Sangha, IAS, Managing Director , Milkfed was chief Guest on this occasion. Dr S. Prabhakar, Registrar GADVASU presided over the function along with Dr HK Verma Director of Extension Education Mr. Sangha praised the achievements of GADVASU said that university is doing excellent work with their full dedication & transferring the need based technologies & extension services to the farming community. Further, he stressed that this type of the seminar should be the regular feature for the Milkfed Officials and be organized twice a year so that officials can refresh their knowledge about latest interventions in field of animal science and further they can aware the end users about these interventions. He also emphasised on promoting clean milk production and advice the Milkfed officials to aware and motivate the farmers for adopting latest management practices by applying their self-designed tricky techniques at field level. Mr.Sangha attended all the technical sessions till the evening. On this occasion Dr. H.K. Verma, DEE-cum-Course Director of the program
welcomed the chief guest and all the participants and revealed that the seminar was conducted with the objectives of exchange of latest research findings of GADVASU, extension methodologies for effective transfer of technologies and sharing the scientific knowledge with the field level functionaries for enhancement of the productivity of dairy animals and also providing an opportunity to the field officers to interact and discuss the emerging issues in field conditions with the scientists and to develop strategies to solve the field problems through effective dissemination of newer and effective technologies for better quality milk through awareness and education of the farmers. Head and coordinator of program, Dr. SK Kansal, briefed to participants about the various sessions being undertaken during the seminar and the deliberations’ on the topics viz; feeding strategies, breeding management, information network for animal productivity and management (INAPH), Mastitis management, reproductive management, common diseases, milk borne diseases and aflatoxins were. Participants also visited the exhibition stall put by the Department of Veterinary Extension and shown their keen interest in various literatures in the form of books, magazine, folders, calendars, first-aid-kit developed by extension scientists of the University and other nutritional products. Feedback and valedictory function was organized by the Course Director & Course Coordinators of the program, in which feedback from the participants were taken for further betterment of the such type of program. Dr. Jaswinder Singh and Dr. Y.S. Jadoun, coordinated the programme extended vote of thanks to all the participants.