Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Tarn Taran organized Kisan Mela under Jal Shakti Abhiyan with the theme of Water Conservation at village Sohawa, Block Chohla Sahib. Large number of farmers, rural youth and farm women participated in the Mela. Mela was inaugurated by Sh. Sandeep Rishi, ADC (G), Tarn Taran. Sh Sandeep Rishi while addressing the farmers said that this is our prime responsibility to save water for future generations. He encouraged farmers regarding water conservation practices in agriculture and allied sectors. Further he highlighted various government schemes for drip and sprinkler irrigation including underground pipeline system for judicious use of water in agriculture. Dr Balwinder Kumar, Deputy Director (Training) said that KVK is awakening the farmers regarding water saving in agricultural crops by conducting front line demonstration at farmers' fields. Dr. Kumar also briefed about the activities and trainings being conducted by KVK
Tarn Taran from time to time related to Jal Shakti Abhiyan. Various expert lectures regarding saving of water were delivered by experts from different departments. Pamphlets giving information related to water conservation in Agriculture, Horticulture and Livestock were also distributed. Various departments such as Department of Agriculture, Soil & Water Conservation, Department of water sanitation, CDPO, Verka, FASC, Tarn Taran participated in Mela and put their exhibitions regarding water conservation practices.
Various Sarpanchs and panchs of different villages also participated in the Kisan Mela and gave their opinions and problems regarding water conservation strategies. Farmers purchased university books, mineral mixture, uromin licks, bypass fat, vermicompost and other materials. Farmers showed keen interests in purchasing trees for making their surroundings clean and green.