For providing door step facilities to farmers of Punjab Guru Angad Dev Veterinary & Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana organized an Animal Welfare and Treatment-cum-Farmer Awareness Camp, at village Bhuchar Kalan, Tarn Taran. Approximately 220 farmers attended above programme from the villages Bhuchar Kalan, Naushehra Dhala, Chabhal, Kasail, etc. More than fifty animals were treated on the spot by team of experts from GADVASU and Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Tarn Taran. Surgery was performed and animals were treated for gynaecology problems. Forty animals were diagnosed for different diseases and treatment was advised on the spot. Dr HK Verma, Director Extension education, GADVASU, Ludhiana was chief guest of the programme. Dr Verma told the farmers to keep their farm animal healthy by having proper scientific knowledge about
livestock farming. He also told about the various products such as mineral mixture, uromin lick, bypass fat, oral magnet, milk testing kit etc. developed by the university. Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Different government organization like Department of Animal Husbandry, Punjab Dairy Development Board, Nestle and different companies viz. Bharat nutritional Ltd (Asses feeds), Mankind, Cargill Pvt. Ltd., Sunjin Pharma, Tiwana feeds, HDFC Bank and B. S. Gill Tractor exhibit their products to the farmers.
Dr Balwinder Kumar, Deputy Director (Training), KrishiVigyan Kendra, Tarn Taran encouraged farmers to manage their dairy animals and farms scientifically. He discussed about feed, fodder and silage management for profitable dairy farming. Dr. Gurdeep Singh, Assistant Professor also delivered lecture about scientific management of dairy animals during summer season. Different experts from GADVASU delivered lecture and treated cases related to medicinal and gynaecological fields and also handled various surgical cases related to lameness, fracture etc. Various aspects of livestock farming regarding feed, fodder, livestock management, animal health and milk production were discussed by experts. Farmers thronged KVK’s stall for purchasing the university books, mineral mixture, magnets, uromin licks and bypass fat. Pamphlets having information related to scientific livestock farming were also distributed to the farmers. Farmers of the area thanked university and KVK for organizing Animal Welfare Camp in this border village of the district.