Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University's passion to promote different type of livestock farming among the farmer community for their better livelihood reflects from ways of university working. The dedicated extension wing of the university leaving no stone unturned to reach the unreached and to provide the best possible knowledge to the farmers. Dr H K Verma, Director Extension Education, GADVASU revealed that taking one more stride in this direction and to promote the pig farming further, University invited the Senior expert Mr Gerard Driessen from Netherlands. Mr Driessen Visited
various pig farms across the state and had detailed discussion with farmers at Farm level on how to improve this farming further. To reap the maximum benefits of Mr Driessen, Monthly meeting of Progressive Pig Farmers' Association (PPFA), which is running under the aegis of University was organized on 21.1.2019 at GADVASU. More than 70 farmers participated in this meeting. Firstly Dr Amit Sharma, from GADVASU discussed the scenario of Pig farming in Punjab and its future prospective. Onward Mr Driessen detailed about the pig farming scenario in Holland. Beside this Mr Driessen also elaborately discussed the good and not so good points he observed in Pig farms of Punjab he visited and provided the suggestions to the farmers for further improvement. Dr Verma highlighted the work university is doing for promoting pig farming in the state. He revealed that university is regularly organizing training on "Pig farming" and had
already published a book and developed a mobile app which can be downloaded from Google play store. Dr Jaswinder Singh and Dr Bilawal Singh Coordinated the meeting. A momento was given to Mr Driessen by the governing body of the association. Mr Sukhwinder Singh , President , PPFA proposed vote of thanks to the speakers and the participants and highlighted the achievement of the association. Dr S K Kansal, Head, Extension wing of the University told that organizing training programme on different livestock farming is a regular feature. Interested candidates can submit their application in the department and can purchase the books on these different livestock farming. Further, GADVASU will be honouring a progressive & innovation farmer in coming March Pashu Palan Mela and aspirants can apply to Directorate by 31st January, 2019 (Details on website A pocket badge of PPFA was also released on this occasion.