A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has been signed between Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (GADVASU), Ludhiana and M/s Rural India Solutions (RIS), Pune for promotion of rearing male buffalo calves for meat production. The MoU was signed by Dr. J.P.S. Gill, Director Research and Ms Ritu David, founder and owner, RIS in the presence of Dr. A.S.Nanda, Vice Chancellor, Dr. H K Verma, Director of Extension Education, Dr. Parkash. S. Brar, Dean College of Veterinary Science, Deans, Directors and Heads of the different departments.
Dr AS Nanda told that the signing of this MoU has been a monumental step forward for ‘Swadhan’; India's male buffalo calf rearing program and for boosting economics of the buffalo farmers. The farmer sees the male buffalo calf as a liability and ditch the same for obvious reasons. 6.5 to 7 lakh male calves perish annually in Punjab. However it could well be an income-generating source with a bit of care and attention. With proper feeding, a two-year-old male buffalo calf can fetch Rs 26,000. Thus a farmer can make more than Rs 100,000 from the four male calves produced by his buffalo, apart from the milk that its female calves may yield in future,” Dr Nanda informed that GADVASU will put in its expertise for quality rearing of buffalo calves in the shape of Nutrition, Management and Extension services for popularizing the scheme among the farmers. He informed that this MoU will change the age old practice of discarding and not much care given to male buffalo calves by the farmers.
Ms. Ritu David informed that according to Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA) with 13.5 Lakh tons of buffalo meat exports India was the largest buffalo meat exporter in the world earning nearly US$ 4 billion in 2017-18. Vietnam, Malaysia and Egypt are the major destinations for the country's buffalo meat shipments. At 21.4 per cent, buffalo meat enjoys the second largest weightage in India’s agricultural export, after only basmati rice (24.4 per cent). The demand for buffalo meat is high in most of the Asian and European countries because of its high protein, low fat and cholesterol content and fewer calories compared to other red meats.
RIS will undertake to buy male buffalo calf at market rates set at the time of signing the contract with farmers. RIS plans to support rearing of male buffalo calves in Ludhiana, Amritsar, Patiala and Sangrur districts of Punjab using good management practices under the guidance of GADVASU. Rs. 50,000-crore buffalo meat trade provides employment to five lakh people in India.
Dr. H K Verma shared that this collaboration between GADVASU and RIS will go a long way in addressing the unorganized sector of rearing male buffalo calves. The coming together of both for this project is expected to contribute more cash in the hands of the farmers. In addition, by rearing of male buffalo calves for a period of 24 months will also be a significant contributor to doubling farmers income. GADVASU will hold awareness camps to enlighten the farmers about the importance of rearing male buffalo calves and aware the farmers at various trainings, melas and field activities.