A meeting was held regarding crop residue management under a project on Promotion of agricultural mechanization and machinery for in-situ management of crop residue at Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Booh, Tarn Taran of Guru Aagad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, ludhiana. The meeting was attended by scientists from the KVK and 65 secretaries of co-operative societies of Tehsil Patti, District Tarn Taran. In the meeting Dr. Balwinder Kumar, Deputy Director (Training) of KVK expressed concern about deterioration of environment due to paddy straw burning. He stressed that we all should make efforts so that no farmer in the district Tarn Taran should burn the paddy straw as it causes adverse effect on soil health and will cause serious consequences for future generations. Dr. Kumar requested all to convey message to every farmer not to burn the crop residues. Dr. Rakesh Kumar (expert on farm machinery) from KVK, Faridkot explained in detail about various implements like Happy Seeder, Chopper, Mulcher, which can be used to manage paddy straw properly. Dr. Nirmal singh from KVK, Tarn Taran informed that large area in the district Tarn Taran is used for early pea cultivation and farmers can cultivate peas by burying paddy straw residues underneath 15-30 cm in the soil by using reverse
cultivator. Dr. Navjot singh Brar (Agronomist) informed that many soil components gets lost by paddy straw burning and because of paddy straw burning our soils health is getting deteriorated day by day. Secretaries of co-operative societies assured that they will disseminate message of KVK for not to burn paddy straw to every farmer of district Tarn Taran and will put their whole effort for residue management. They appreciated the effort of KVK for organising this programme. Among others Dr. Bhanu Prakash, Dr. Anil Kumar, Dr. Sikh Tejinder Singh and S. Amardeep Singh Brar (Farm Manager), Rajbir Singh and Jasvir Singh were also present in this meeting.