Krishi Vigyan Kendra Mohali celebrated World Earth Day at Gurukul International School, Dussarna, Mohali. Around eighty students and teachers participated in this programme. This day was celebrated under the guidance of Dr. Yashwant Singh, Deputy Director (Training), KVK, Mohali. He emphasized upon the importance of Earth Day and said that this year Earth Day is celebrated to end plastic pollution at global level. Plastic is polluting rivers, oceans and land, injuring marine life and affecting our health. This day was meant to raise awareness and appreciation about the earth’s natural environment. The first Earth Day was held in the USA and now it is celebrated in more than 175 countries every year across the globe to highlight the environmental issues and concerns.
Dr. Shashi Pal, Assistant Professor (Livestock Production) gave a detailed lecture on waste disposal and segregation of degradeable and bio-degradeable waste. Dr. Priyanka Suryavanshi, Assistant Professor (Agronomy) focused on different types of pollution and emphasized on wheat straw management strategies. Dr. Parul Gupta, Assistant Professor (Home Science) stressed upon the environmental issues. She also emphasized on reuse, reduce and recycle the farm waste. She acknowledged the contribution of the Principal, teachers and students of the school for their keen interest and support provided to KVK staff for conducting this programme.