Krishi Vigayan Kendra Handiaya( Barnala) of Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana organized one day Crop Harvest Day on demonstrations of Wheat Crop Sown with Happy Seeder at Village Kattu in guidance of Dr. Prahalad Sing Tanwar, Associate Director K. V. K. (Barnala). Dr. Rajbir Singh, Director. I.C.A.R-ATARI, Ludhiana was Chief Guest on this occasion and a team of Doordarshan Kisan, New Delhi recorded the said Programme. Dr. Prahalad Singh Tanwar, emphasized that farmers can get higher production and income of wheat by sowing of Happy seeder as lodging of crop, weeds infestation is not occur in crop sown with happy seeder and thus this technique reduce the cost of cultivation and conserve the resources. Dr. Rajbir Singh said that wheat can be sown in standing paddy stubble with Happy Seeder and there is no need to burn the paddy stubble as burning destroyed all the beneficial microorganisms in the soil as well as plant nutrients and environmental pollution is occur by burning, which create health hazards for human being . This programme was organized at Gill Seed Farm of Sh. Gulzar Singh village Kattu and about 100 farmers of the village were participated.