Agricultural Education day was celebrated at Guru Angad Dev Veterinary & Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana on 3rd December, 2017 to apprise the students to various facets of agriculture and inspire them to choose veterinary and allied sciences as a career. More than hundred students from Partap Public School, Ramgarhia Sen. Sec. School, DAV Public School, Ludhiana etc participated in the function. On this occasion an essay writing competition was organised for the school children on the topic “Role of Livestock in Indian Economy” and the winners were given away the prizes.
Dr. Simrat Sagar Singh, Dean, Postgraduate Studies, Chief Guest on the occasion shared the experiences with school children and highlighted the importance of Agricultural Education. Dr.Singh said that there is need to create interest in youth towards agricultural education and create awareness in them about various streams of agriculture and allied subjects. He described the admission process to various undergraduate programs of the university and placement avenues for veterinary graduates. Dr. Meera D. Ansal, Professor of Aquaculture shared the information about fish and fisheries Sciences and Dr. Santosh Kumar Mishra, Asstt. Professor, Dairy Microbiology highlighted the importance of Dairy Technology and Dairy Sector.
On this occasion students visited Equine section, Dairy farm, Fishery farms and learned about their rearing. Dr P S Brar, Dean, College of Veterinary Science, GADVASU told that Agricultural education day is celebrated every year on 3rd December on the birth day of Dr. Rajendra Prasad, the first Agricultural Minister of independent India and the first President of Government of India. He said that to inform about agricultural education is more important in the country like India where 70% of rural folks have a strong acquaintance with agriculture.
Dr P N Dwivedi Professor of Veterinary Microbiology welcomed the students from various schools their teachers and other dignitaries. Dr. Charan Kamal Singh, Professor & Head, Department of Vety. Pathology extended the vote of thanks to all the students, school children their staff/teacher and other guests.