The Guru Angad Dev Veterinary & Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana strive its best to promote livestock farming as a sustainable entrepreneurship through various means. In the continuation of these efforts GADVASU organized a two week training programme on Poultry Farming as a viable entrepreneurship. A total of 54 candidates have attended the same. Dr. H.K. Verma, Director Extension Education, told in the concluding function that university since its inception is promoting livestock farming amongst the youth especially educated & unemployed as a mean of earning their livelihood. He revealed that livestock sector has various bunches of option to adopt like dairy farming, poultry farming, goat farming, fish farming , pig farming, value addition of livestock produce, feed manufacturing etc and one can adopt as per likeliness and resource available for livelihood sustenance. Dr. S.K. Kansal, HoD , Department of Veterinary & Animal Husbandry Extension Education, GADVASU, while speaking on this occasion told that Poultry farming is a profitable venture if being done on scientific lines and the university is getting lot of quarries regarding commercial and backyard poultry farming. Dr. Ravdeep Singh & Dr. Khushpreet Singh coordinators of this training told that trainees were apprised with various topics like breeds, management, shed design, weather management, vaccination protocols, record keeping, nutritional management, diseases & their prevention, value addition of chicken meat, economics etc. Dr. Parminder Singh, technical coordinator of the training told that beside lectures practical training on handling of Poultry birds, sign of healthy v/s sick birds, housing design development, beak cutting etc were also provided to the trainees. To make the trainees practically aware about all aspects, a visit was also arranged to a poultry farm. Trainees hailed the efforts of GADVASU and were satisfied with the knowledge imparted and facilities of GADVASU, Ludhiana. Dr Parminder further added that to meet the increasing demands of the poultry and its products, an on demand training on value addition is also conducted by the university. To resolve the quarries and doubts of the farmers, a Farmer Information cum Advisory Centre is working wholeheartedly in the department of Veterinary & Animal Husbandry Extension Education, GADVASU.